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PoV-Record [2.0.5] Working again

Created 26th September 2009 @ 12:25

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you need to install a new steam signed version :)

Quoted from Dekken

p-rec does not record demos since the September 10th.

Reading, give it a try.



I love P-REC, using it since 1.2 or so :D

but one thing is still not implemented that would be really cool:

prec_stop – could be used like stop, but it would print out in team chat “[P-REC] Stopped Recording.” and would also enable the demo to be deleted with prec_delete_demo.

] prec_record
[P-REC] Recording...
(TEAM) rhs.broesel : [P-REC] Recording...
Recording to demos/20100915_1857_cp_gullywash_imp3_RED_BLU.dem...
] stop
Completed demo, recording time 2.9, game frames 178.
] prec_delete_demo
Can't find last demo name!



I just noticed that when using the dead ringer, the status-screenshot-function of P-REC kicks in when faking a death.



Plugin doesn’t load at all for me, no console message, no prec commands, nothing.
I put the four files into the addons folder so I can’t see what would plausibly go wrong and why it isn’t loading.


element //

Quoted from Jeru

Plugin doesn’t load at all for me, no console message, no prec commands, nothing.
I put the four files into the addons folder so I can’t see what would plausibly go wrong and why it isn’t loading.

signed version?



Quoted from Orange

signed version?

Yeah, literally only just downloaded it from your site, just doesn’t give any console commands, console doesn’t say it’s loaded, and it definitely doesn’t record. I have absolutely no idea why it’s not working.

EDIT: Never mind, checked the files and the .dll was definitely from the 01/09/10, but I tried redownloading it as moving the files and replacing them didn’t work and it randomly fixed it. So files must have been corrupted somehow.


I’m trying to create a mod to track gather stats, and all I need to know is how to know when the gather has started. So if you can share how does the mod knows when the game starts that will be great.



i installed the new prec a while back and i noticed a random bug

playdemo : plays a demo file
Unknown command “demopauseafterinit”

this shows up when i try and play some demos. some work – others don’t. i have no idea whats causing it. anyone else experiencing the same problem?

it looks like it only happens if i use the demo ui instead of playdemo



any white/special characters in the demoname?

(ie :()?& etc)



Quoted from baerbel

i installed the new prec a while back and i noticed a random bug

playdemo : plays a demo file
Unknown command “demopauseafterinit”

this shows up when i try and play some demos. some work – others don’t. i have no idea whats causing it. anyone else experiencing the same problem?

it looks like it only happens if i use the demo ui instead of playdemo

Prec replaces every character which may not be used in a file name with a “_”, however it doesn’t consider that TF2 seems to not like ( and ), hence why it will filter out e.g. > and : of >:), but not the ).

Just rename the demos with (‘s and )’s.



You’ve done few month ago a plugin to record stv as way as prec, but directly on server.
I’m very interested by this on my own serv, to record match even if i’m not here.
Is your plugin still working or can you make it work ? If yes, how can i download it as it doesn’t appear anymore on your website.




The last Valve update (19 oct 2010) seems to have broken the signature for PREC. TF2 now pops into insecure mode for me.

edit: just replaced my version with the original 2.01 downloade version of prec. Seems to work now.


element //

prec works fine for me. version

Mr. iLevi


Does this work on mac? tried installing it normally but didn’t get any of the console commands at all

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