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High ping on single servers only

Created 10th August 2018 @ 13:31

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Dr. med.

For some reason, I’m getting high ping issues on certain servers only even though they are close to my region, while on most other servers it’s fine. One bad server example would be at least one from serveme.tf where I had like 120 ping in a lobby while other players had a fine connection.

I’m sure it has something to do with how my connection is being routed to the server itself, however is there something I can do about this issue or am I SOL when playing on those servers?

(My ISP is German Telekom, if that helps.)

Last edited by Samus,



same thing for me…very odd



a ‘dns flush’ appears to have fixed this for me



Quoted from Maccy

a ‘dns flush’ appears to have fixed this for me

A DNS flush can’t fix such an issue. It will just resolve the gameserver to the same IP before and after the flush. It’s more likely that your test after the ‘dns flush’ was during less congestion.

This is related to bad routing, some ISPs are in fights with some datacenters. They fight over who has to pay to upgrade a clogged connection, and until they figure it out, you as a customer and me as a server provider end up suffering.
Here are three possible solutions:
– Play on servers that have a good ping for you
– Get an ISP that gets in less fights with datacenters (DTAG is notorious for this)
– Get a VPN that will make you route around the clogged connection from your ISP.

You were problably playing on FakkelBrigade #1-#8, hosted by Hetzner, they have a long standing argument with German Telekom: https://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Double_Paid_Traffic/en

Last edited by Arie,



I’m not on German Telekom. I dont know anything about this stuff; all i know is that i was getting 200 ping to random servers and now i dont.


Dr. med.

Thank you for the long response, am I allowed to use a VPN in officials, though?

Last edited by Samus,

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