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Crash when i join connect

Created 22nd July 2018 @ 22:01

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I have big problem, when i join connect, or when i automaticaly join connect with tf2center, my game crash at the last bar of sending client info.
My launch option are :-novid -sw -w1366 -h768 -noborder (dx level 90)
And my config are:
//Resup loadout
alias +loadoutA load_itempreset 0
alias +loadoutB load_itempreset 1
alias +loadoutC load_itempreset 2
alias +loadoutD load_itempreset 3
alias -loadoutA slot2
alias -loadoutB slot2
alias -loadoutC slot2
alias -loadoutD slot2

bind “F1” “+loadoutA”
bind “F2” “+loadoutB”
bind “F3” “+loadoutC”
bind “F4” “+loadoutD”

m_Rawinput 1 // set to “0” for RInput use
cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 1

cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0
cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 0
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 0
ragdoll_sleepaftertime 0
cl_phys_props_enable 0
cl_phys_props_max 0
props_break_max_pieces 0
r_propsmaxdist 1
violence_agibs 0
violence_hgibs 0

// Disable shadows
mat_shadowstate 0
r_shadowmaxrendered 0
r_shadowrendertotexture 0
r_shadows 0

// Disable facial features
r_eyes 0
r_flex 0
r_lod 2
r_rootlod 2
r_teeth 0

//Script viewmodel 0/1
bind “Ctrl” “viewtoggle”
alias “viewtoggle” “viewoff”
alias “viewon” “r_drawviewmodel 1; alias “viewtoggle” “viewoff””
alias “viewoff” “r_drawviewmodel 0; alias “viewtoggle” “viewon””

alias afkon “+forward; +moveleft; +left; [Enabled]”
alias afkoff “-forward; -moveleft; -left; [Disabled]”

bind t “ds_mark Frag.”

// Toggle viewmodels
//bind “ctrl” “r_drawviewmodel 0 1”

sv_cheats 1
host_thread_mode “0”
sv_allow_point_servercommand always
sv_allow_point_servercommand “always”
echo “loadedautoexecute”
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel 1
sv_cheats “1”

cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
cl_interp 0; cl_interp_ratio 1

// Null-cancelling movement script
// (prevents you from pressing two opposing directions, which causes you to stop moving)

bind “z” “+mfwd”
bind “q” “+mleft”
bind “s” “+mback”
bind “d” “+mright”

alias “+mfwd” “-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward”
alias “+mback” “-forward;+back;alias checkback +back”
alias “+mleft” “-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft”
alias “+mright” “-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright”
alias “-mfwd” “-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none”
alias “-mback” “-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none”
alias “-mleft” “-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none”
alias “-mright” “-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none”
alias “checkfwd” “none”
alias “checkback” “none”
alias “checkleft” “none”
alias “checkright” “none”
alias “none” “”
net_graph 1

cl_interp .0075;
cl_interp_ratio 1;
cl_updaterate 67;
cl_cmdrate 67;
rate 100000

cl_autoreload “1”
cl_updaterate “67”
cl_cmdrate “67”
cl_interp_ratio “1”
cl_interp “0.0152”
cl_lagcompensation “1”
cl_smooth “0”
cl_smoothtime “0.01”
cl_pred_optimize “2”
cl_autorezoom “0”
rate “60000”
fps_max “60”

cl_show_splashes “0”
cl_ragdoll_collide “0”
cl_showhelp “0”
cl_threaded_bone_setup “0”
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system “0”
cl_predict “1”
cl_predictweapons “1”
cl_showfps “0”
cl_showpluginmessages “0”
cl_forcepreload “1”
cl_soundemitter_flush “1”
cl_burninggibs “0”
cl_detaildist “0”
cl_detailfade “0”
cl_drawmonitors “0”
cl_ejectbrass “0”
cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st “0”
cl_show_splashes “0”
cl_clearhinthistory “1”
cl_debugrumble “0”
cl_rumblescale “0”
cl_playerspraydisable “1”
cl_phys_props_enable “0”
cl_phys_props_max “0”
cl_ragdoll_fade_time “0”
cl_ragdoll_forcefade “1”
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable “0”

mat_alphacoverage “0”
mat_antialias “0”
mat_autoexposure_max “0”
mat_autoexposure_min “0”
mat_bloomscale “0”
mat_bumpmap “1”
mat_colcorrection_disableentities “1”
mat_colorcorrection “0”
mat_compressedtextures “1”
mat_disable_bloom “1”
mat_disable_fancy_blending “1”
mat_disable_lightwarp “1”
mat_disable_ps_patch “1”
mat_envmapsize “0”
mat_envmaptgasize “0”
mat_excludetextures “1”
mat_fastnobump “0”
mat_fastspecular “1”
mat_filterlightmaps “0”
mat_filtertextures “1”
mat_forceaniso “0”
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware “0”
mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize “0”
mat_hdr_level “0”
mat_levelflush “0”
mat_maxframelatency “0”
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices “64”
mat_mipmaptextures “1”
mat_monitorgamma “1.6”
mat_motion_blur_enabled “0”
mat_parallaxmap “0”
mat_picmip “2”
mat_postprocess_x “0”
mat_postprocess_y “0”
mat_reducefillrate “1”
mat_reduceparticles “1”
mat_specular “0”
mat_trilinear “0”
mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures “1”
mat_vsync “0”
mat_wateroverlaysize “1”
mat_filtertextures “1”
mat_bufferprimitives “1”
mat_clipz “1”
mat_disablehwmorph “1”
mat_forcehardwaresync “0”
mat_postprocessing_combine “1”
mat_queue_mode “2”
mat_hdr_enabled “0”
mat_aaquality “0”
mat_softwarelighting “0”
mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar “0”
mat_diffuse “1”
mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines “0”
mat_software_aa_strength “0”
mat_software_aa_strength_vgui “0”
mat_software_aa_tap_offset “0”
mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor “0”
mat_shadowstate “1”
mat_debugdepthval “0”
mat_debugdepthvalmax “0”
mat_debug_postprocessing_effects “0”
mat_phong “0”

rope_averagelight “0”
rope_collide “0”
rope_rendersolid “0”
rope_shake “0”
rope_smooth “0”
rope_smooth_enlarge “0”
rope_smooth_maxalpha “0”
rope_smooth_maxalphawidth “0”
rope_smooth_minalpha “0”
rope_smooth_minwidth “0”
rope_solid_maxalpha “0”
rope_solid_maxwidth “0”
rope_solid_minalpha “0”
rope_solid_minwidth “0”
rope_subdiv “0”
rope_wind_dist “0”

r_3dsky “0”
r_ambientboost “0”
r_ambientfactor “0”
r_ambientmin “0”
r_avglight “0”
r_bloomtintb “0”
r_bloomtintexponent “0”
r_bloomtintg “0”
r_bloomtintr “0”
r_cheapwaterend “1”
r_cheapwaterstart “1”
r_decalstaticprops “0”
r_dopixelvisibility “0”
r_drawbatchdecals “0”
r_drawdetailprops “0”
r_drawflecks “0”
r_drawmodeldecals “0”
r_drawspecificstaticprop “0”
r_dynamic “0”
r_eyemove “0”
r_fastzreject “-1”
r_flashlightdepthtexture “0”
r_flashlightrendermodels “0”
r_flashlightrenderworld “0”
r_forcewaterleaf “1”
r_hunkalloclightmaps “0”
r_lightaverage “0”
r_lightcache_zbuffercache “0”
r_maxdlights “0”
r_maxmodeldecal “0”
r_maxnewsamples “0”
r_occlusion “1”
r_physpropstaticlighting “0”
r_pixelfog “1”
r_radiosity “0”
r_renderoverlayfragment “0”
r_ropetranslucent “0”
r_staticprop_lod “4”
r_updaterefracttexture “0”
r_visualizeproplightcaching “1”
r_waterdrawreflection “0”
r_waterdrawrefraction “1”
r_waterforceexpensive “0”
r_waterforcereflectentities “0”
r_worldlights “0”
r_sse2 “1”
r_3dnow “1”
r_maxsampledist “0”
r_minnewsamples “0”
r_propsmaxdist “1”
r_queued_post_processing “1”
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager “1”
r_threaded_particles “1”
r_threaded_renderables “1”
r_queued_decals “0”
r_queued_post_processing “1”
r_queued_ropes “0”
r_unloadlightmaps “0”
r_decals “0”
r_spray_lifetime “0”
r_shadowmaxrendered “11”
r_shadowrendertotexture “1”
r_shadows “0”
r_eyes “0”
r_flex “0”
r_lod “2”
r_rootlod “2”
r_teeth “0”
r_propsmaxdist “1”

dsp_enhance_stereo “0”
dsp_slow_cpu “1”
dsp_volume “1”
dsp_spatial “40”
dsp_speaker “50”
dsp_water “14”

snd_async_fullyasync “1”
snd_pitchquality “0”
snd_spatialize_roundrobin “1”
snd_mixahead “0.1”
snd_mix_async “1”

tf_dingalingaling “1”
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg “5”
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg “140”
tf_dingaling_volume “1”
tf_particles_disable_weather “1”
tf_playergib “0”

violence_ablood “0”
violence_agibs “0”
violence_hblood “0”
violence_hgibs “0”

mp_usehwmmodels “0”
mp_usehwmvcds “0”
mp_decals “1”

g_ragdoll_fadespeed “0”
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed “0”

flex_rules “0”
flex_smooth “1”

adsp_debug “0”
budget_show_history “0”
blink_duration “0”
commentary “0”
gl_clear “0”
glow_outline_effect_enable “0”
prop_active_gib_limit “0”
props_break_max_pieces “0”
soundscape_flush “1”
showhitlocation “1”
jpeg_quality “100”
overview_mode “0”
muzzleflash_light “0”
func_break_max_pieces “0”
glow_outline_effect_enable “0”
lod_transitiondist “0”
ragdoll_sleepaftertime “0”
developer “0”
sv_forcepreload “1”

exec “settings/client.cfg”



(League Admin)

Does the issue persist if you remove everything? And why do you have cl_interp defined 3 times? Each time with a different value.

Okay, i haven’t see this 3 same line, so i have just save 1, i have to get one connect to see if it’s work

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