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dx8 or dx9?

Created 25th April 2016 @ 00:28

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Hello everyone, I am seeking for people who know about dxlevel because since I got a good PC now, I can handle high-ish graphics with good fps.
So now almost every answer I’ve recieved was only “It’s for matchmaking” or “It just looks better on dx9” and It’s not really the answer I’m looking for.
I want to know how come the change will effect your performence, maybe which one is better?, how come etc. and all of these things I should know to basiclly just know which one to use.

P.S I have seen that u CAN use dx8 yet run matchmaking and it’d just change to dx9 in it until u restart the game.

Looking forward for answers, thanks in advance.


Well, dx8 is more of like a preformance thing I assume.
If you use dx8 you will have worse graphics (Which, lets be honest… no one really cares about graphics in the comp community.)
if you use dx9, you will be able to play MM & the game will look slightly better.
Now I will quote: “Fuck matchmaking, just play TF2Lobby.” -Timon 2016.
I’d recommend doing this (shoutout to someone else):

“first you need to record a demo of about 1 min gameplay. to do that type “record mydemo” into console. type “stop” to end recording.

then you have to type “timedemo mydemo”, which makes TF2 run benchmark of your demo. repeat for the other DX mode and compare results.

in my demo i have 105fps avg with DX9 and 135fps with DX8.”

Last edited by Tamir,



some people say they have an fps boost on dx9, so it doesn’t matter what people say here you’ll have to test it yourself: http://www.teamfortress.tv/7598/tf2-benchmarks
and if you have high fps on high graphics does it really matter?


Quoted from Hatefield

I want to know how come the change will effect your performence, maybe which one is better?

so dx8 give you more fps but when you get constant good fps on dx9 that shouldnt matter for you.

some ingame points that ive noticed compating the 2 :

+less particles
+less fog / better long range sight
+some textures are invisible, thus people cant hide behind them
+people on fire / pyro flames are way less confusing
+mroe visible sniper dots

+uber fade effect

Last edited by firej,



The uber fade effect happens to be really really useful so I’d suggest to use comanglia’s config with dx9.
It makes your game look a lot like dx8 and greatly boosts FPS.

EDIT: The mm dx8 exploit has been fixed afaik

Last edited by biskuu,



in the final answers I’d like to know your own opinion so basiclly:

*bluh bluh bluh* , in conclusion I think u better use dx8


dx8 gives me bad vibes because it feels as if the models and their movement become far too choppy. dx9 feels smoother and so with it my aim tends to be more comfortable. Playermodels also seem to stand out more quickly in dx9.

It’s down to your preference I’d say. If you feel as though your screen is too cluttered with distracting elements then go for dx8. If you can handle said extra bits of fluff and prefer the way dx9 “feels” then go for dx9.

You could argue that dx8 is objectively better than dx9 for competitive use (because it most likely is) but personally I’ve tried to go down the road of dx8 and never saw the benefits translate into better gaming. I also get the feeling that in my case dx9 makes my fps performance more stable.

Personally I use dx9 with some legal visual mods to get the best of both worlds.

Last edited by Fuxx,

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