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Broeselhud crosshair colour

Created 10th September 2015 @ 16:00

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UbeR |


I recently installed broeselhud again and I am using the “round brackets with a dot in the middle” crosshair. I tried changing its colour to green, but when I changed the fgcolor my crosshair disappeared entirely. I set the colour settings back to default and have since not tried playing with it again.

Does anybody know why it disappeared and the colour did not simply change? How could I change my crosshair colour to green?

– Evo


ist doof

You probably entered a wrong colour code. Green would be “0 255 0 255”.


UbeR |

Alright, not sure why it went wrong the first time but yours worked. Thanks man.



Quoted from EvoWarrior5

Alright, not sure why it went wrong the first time but yours worked. Thanks man.

Red Green Blue Alpha
if you set alpha to 0 it’s 100% transparent so you don’t see it.


UbeR |

Oh, because there were four numbers I thought it was a CMYK colour scheme instead of RGB. I could have sworn I remembered HUD colours being set with that scheme. I looked up what the values for green were in CMYK and I probably set Alpha to zero then. My mistake haha.

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