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Issues with Logs.tf plugin and TF true doubling damage in logs uploaded

Created 26th May 2015 @ 18:17

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(ETF2L Donator)


Recently got a server, and having mixed success with getting addons/plugins working through an FTP client.

The logs.tf plugin doesn’t seem to want to work even with the cvar command and my API key, and so I installed TF True for logs – however the other of F2’s plugins like med stats and so on seem to contribute to a doubling of damage numbers when logs are uploaded:


> logs.tf plugin not working, so disabled
> TF True logs working
> F2’s other stat plugins working
> Some interaction is causing damage to double



i think most of the F2’s plugins are not compatible with TFTrue. So consider using only logs.tf plugin(if not working provide some error logs here or contact F2 directly) + other plugins or only TFTrue. I remember i had the same issue and it was because i was having TFTrue and MedicStats enabled. Please someone correct me if i am wrong.



You need to remove the supstats2.smx and the medicstats.smx plugins from your sourcemod folder for the damage not to double up etc.

Ideally you should just have F2’s plugins on their own or only tftrue on its own.

Also in order to get the logs.tf plugin to work you need to make sure you have cURL installed on your server https://code.google.com/p/sourcemod-curl-extension/downloads/detail?name=curl_1.3.0.0.zip&can=2&q=


TFTrue should provide everything that the logs.tf plugin does (correct me if I’m wrong), so it’s pointless to have both.


Quoted from AnAkkk

TFTrue should provide everything that the logs.tf plugin does (correct me if I’m wrong), so it’s pointless to have both.

TFtrue does seem to have some bugs with logs integration from what F2 mentioned



Nobody ever told me about such issues. I could take a look if someone can tell me how to reproduce it exactly.

Last edited by AnAkkk,



Use any non-stock weapon.


Quoted from AnAkkk

Nobody ever told me about such issues. I could take a look if someone can tell me how to reproduce it exactly.

Yes, it happens with unlocks only.


I fixed the issue, it was actually working and got broken by a TF2 update. Will be in the next TFTrue update.


Quoted from AnAkkk

I fixed the issue, it was actually working and got broken by a TF2 update. Will be in the next TFTrue update.

Thx, u da best!

Last edited by Kaneco,

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