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Objects keep despawning and then crashing :S

Created 18th February 2015 @ 14:37

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When playing on different maps, props and players would ‘despawn’ and so all I can see are shadows, damage numbers and the basic map without any details.

Example: http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/543018935310544332/21F8449F59A7AFF298159B2D42D2963D87A677BA/

It’s happened twice to me on separate occasions, but when it starts you cant stop it, and i know its happened to other people, including a few people in the lobby i was playing.

It’t happened on swiftwater and mge_ohiguv_sucks.

I have chris’s max quality graphic config, any ideas?

Last edited by Sigma,



I had the same problem before. I’m not sure if that’s correct way to fix it, but after i’ve reinstalled GPU drivers it helped me. Try yourself.


same problem here, they say it’s related to viewmodel_fov i think



Quoted from spammyh

I had the same problem before. I’m not sure if that’s correct way to fix it, but after i’ve reinstalled GPU drivers it helped me. Try yourself.

Quoted from octane

same problem here, they say it’s related to viewmodel_fov i think

I tried both and it doesnt seem to have happened recently, thanks for your help :) hopefully it will stay this way…



Quoted from octane

same problem here, they say it’s related to viewmodel_fov i think

For reference, this is what causes the problem. You can fix it by changing instances of viewmodel_fov 0 to the new cvar r_drawtracers_firstperson 0.

Last edited by Serotone,

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