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Created 27th December 2014 @ 14:00

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We have a problem with recent div changes to “open/mid/high/prem”. The original 8 division bracketing wouldn’t work anymore. I suggested to keep the old 8 levels for the API, but the admins wouldn’t listen to reason.

Any ideas from community on how to change star schemes? Shall we just drop this to 1/2/3/4 stars respectively?



Hey, I don’t know for the stars, but there is a bug on the logs (maybe you know it, idk). All open dude are shown as 6v6 Div 3. This is quite disturbing ^^.
Maybe for the stars you can add 1 stars per div + 1 if main. So open soldier will have 2 stars, mid 3, high 4 and prem 5 ?


Quoted from Tuffy

Hey, I don’t know for the stars, but there is a bug on the logs (maybe you know it, idk). All open dude are shown as 6v6 Div 3. This is quite disturbing ^^.
Maybe for the stars you can add 1 stars per div + 1 if main. So open soldier will have 2 stars, mid 3, high 4 and prem 5 ?

I don’t think it’s a bug because the same divisions are shown in TF2Pickup.net.
Open – 3
Mid – 2
High – 1
Prem – Prem
But as long as we have 4 tiers = 4 divs


Quoted from Tuffy

Hey, I don’t know for the stars, but there is a bug on the logs (maybe you know it, idk). All open dude are shown as 6v6 Div 3. This is quite disturbing ^^.
Maybe for the stars you can add 1 stars per div + 1 if main. So open soldier will have 2 stars, mid 3, high 4 and prem 5 ?

lel… so I asked ash to may be include divisions in API for backwards compartibility, and instead they just fucked up the whole thing… gona fix in 2.0

Last edited by Kengur,


Does anyone use collaboration drawing board to do maptalks?



Can you maybe show a player’s ETF2L nickname as well? For easy recognizing of all those fakenicking mugs out there


Quoted from ash

Can you maybe show a player’s ETF2L nickname as well? For easy recognizing of all those fakenicking mugs out there

A couple of clicks and you can find their ETF2L alias without a sweat.



A couple of clicks and I can also see their skill.



Quoted from ash

Can you maybe show a player’s ETF2L nickname as well? For easy recognizing of all those fakenicking mugs out there

No fun allowed meanie.



Oh I love fakenicking myself!

But I always want to know if that weird Russian scout with 80% scattergun hitreg is a cheater or just some mge hero who I don’t know either! :D


UbeR |

Quoted from Kengur

Does anyone use collaboration drawing board to do maptalks?



Quoted from ash

Can you maybe show a player’s ETF2L nickname as well? For easy recognizing of all those fakenicking mugs out there

fiddle with settings a little bit and you find that option is there already


Quoted from ash

A couple of clicks and I can also see their skill.

…Isn’t that what you want?



Quoted from Kengur

fiddle with settings a little bit and you find that option is there already

Thanks! I am retarded. :)


Just to let you know, guys. I’m working on a port to Chrome extension. Even though we have more than 150 users by now, I’d appreciate it if you spread the word among your friends about the script :D

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