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Custom Console Font

Created 2nd November 2014 @ 16:22

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Appearently I can’t submit status screenshots because I have a custom console font.

Does anyone know how you delete that file (files?) from ones hud? Or just disable it…
(i’m on a mac if that matters:DDD)

Last edited by Collaide,



Quoted from Collaide

Appearently I can’t submit status screenshots because I have a custom console font.

Does anyone know how you delete that file (files?) from ones hud? Or just disable it…
(i’m on a mac if that matters:DDD)

once a macintosh gamer, always a macintosh gamer

Last edited by ekkelund,


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Don’t Macs have the “custom console font” in default HUD already?
At least as much as I had tried TF2 on a Mac, I remember that the console font was different from the normal one without any modifications.

Or you could just tell someone else in your team to use prec_screens 1 and then give the screens for you, easy.

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