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Steam crashes on TF2 Startup

Created 24th September 2014 @ 17:08

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whenever i start my TF2 steam stopps responding for a while, after 10-15sek it starts working again but then when tf2 is loaded is says “steam beta must be running” in the server browser and “you are in insecure mode” when im trying to connect to a server via console.

Whenever this happenes i have to restart steam 3-4 times to make it work properly, tho when i close tf2 and open it again steam crashes again and ill have to restart again etc.

Already reinstalled steam (not tf2 tho) and verified game cache.

Also have the same thread on tf.tf ( http://teamfortress.tv/thread/20110/steam-crashes-on-tf2-startup ) but i couldnt find a solution yet :(



Couldn’t this be fixed by putting -secure in launch options?… or something


nope steam still crashed with -secure in launch options


hdd issue?


Have you tried turning off the steam beta? ^_^


Im not using steam beta.
And hdd issue is possible, i recently reinstalled evwrything on My ssd. How could i find that out? Besides this Problem evwrything works fine.
//EDIT maybe that happenes because i directly copied the TF folder from my old HDD to my SSD ? im backing up my important stuff atm and then im gonna redownload tf2 and see if it changes anything.

Last edited by firej,



Verify Game Cache

98% of the time it fixes anything.


Quoted from firej

Already reinstalled steam (not tf2 tho) and verified game cache.

also reinstalling tf didnt work

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