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SoapDM broken?

Created 15th September 2014 @ 22:30

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After the recent update which “Improved client/server performance” (Made my game run like shit and fucked up our server) I reinstalled sourcemod/metamod and all of my plugins.
All seemed fine until I realised that after the match ends SoapDM will not load back up due to soap_notlive.cfg not being called. The weird thing is soap_live.cfg has no problem being ran before the match starts. Is anyone else having this problem or have I done something wrong?



Re-install the SOAPDM (re-add the smx files and make sure you are using the newest ones)
In the past i was having problems like this and started using dev versions of SM/MM and now its all running smooth!


I had only reinstalled SoapDM recently so I didn’t think I’d have to do that again, but TF2 works in mysterious ways.

Last edited by digitaltomato,

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