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hudcreator - Online HUD creation tool

Created 10th August 2014 @ 13:22

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Quoted from Q-Ball

Did you try to load HUD previously created with the system? If you uploaded some random HUD it probably broke the scheme. Try using this link – hudcreator.co.uk/index.php?reset=1 to reset program.

I tried for a while but it didn’t work
EDIT: Nevermind, had to wait a day for the hud to clear. It’s better

Last edited by Soupy,



– Added text alignment option;
– Added color transparency;
– Added rest of the charge meters;
– HealthBG is now showing high / low player health;
– Added option to change crosshair color on hit;
– Added option to change flashing uber colors;
– Added option to customize freezecam menu;
– Added option to customize main game menu;
– Pressing Delete on the selected HUD element will make it invisible;
– Improved overall performance of javascript/php scripts.

I’m afraid old versions of downloaded HUDs will not work with the new update. There’s no way I can fix this problem at the moment.
You will also need to reset localstorage manually with http://hudcreator.co.uk?reset=1

Last edited by Q-Ball,


you’re amazing


When I press ‘download’ the screen loads for a few seconds as though it’s working but then reverts back to the editing page, without downloading anything at all. I have read all the other problems in this thread and I think I spotted some similar issues. I also checked with Mangachu and his stream and he confirmed that he had the same problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated!



Quoted from Yogit

When I press ‘download’ the screen loads for a few seconds as though it’s working but then reverts back to the editing page, without downloading anything at all. I have read all the other problems in this thread and I think I spotted some similar issues. I also checked with Mangachu and his stream and he confirmed that he had the same problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Check if you have pop-ups disabled. If it is and it still doesn’t work, paste here your console log.


Quoted from Q-Ball

Check if you have pop-ups disabled. If it is and it still doesn’t work, paste here your console log.

I disabled adblock entirely before and it still didn’t work. Apologies if that’s irrelevant, I’m a bit ignorant when it comes to all this.



Quoted from Yogit

[…] I disabled adblock entirely before and it still didn’t work. Apologies if that’s irrelevant, I’m a bit ignorant when it comes to all this.

Are you using Google Chrome? If so, try this – https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95472?hl=en
You basically need to allow pop-ups for a website.

Last edited by Q-Ball,


Quoted from Q-Ball

Are you using Google Chrome? If so, try this – https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95472?hl=en
You basically need to allow pop-ups for a website.

Problem solved! Thank you so much for the Creator and the fast response!


Quoted from Q-Ball

Are you using Google Chrome? If so, try this – https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95472?hl=en
You basically need to allow pop-ups for a website.

Will the site be updated? As much as I love the tool, it has its flaws; the crosshair is permanently off centre, you can’t edit the text and the chat box is unmovable. However like I say I’m fairly ignorant so I may have overlooked ways to edit these. If I have please let me know.



Quoted from Yogit

[…]Will the site be updated? As much as I love the tool, it has its flaws; the crosshair is permanently off centre, you can’t edit the text and the chat box is unmovable. However like I say I’m fairly ignorant so I may have overlooked ways to edit these. If I have please let me know.

Yes it will be updated.
What do you mean crosshair is permanently off center?. What text and where can’t you edit? The chat box is indeed unmovable at the moment.


Quoted from Q-Ball

Yes it will be updated.
What do you mean crosshair is permanently off center?. What text and where can’t you edit? The chat box is indeed unmovable at the moment.

Well yo can’t edit things like the death screen; ‘you were killed by’ etc. This shows the problem with the crosshair http://gyazo.com/c9095969ffd3ebe3790220516abb41d7. It can only be too far left or too far right, never centred. It’s a pain for sniping.


Is it possible to get more colored blocks?
If not, can this be added?



Quoted from Yogit

[…]Well yo can’t edit things like the death screen; ‘you were killed by’ etc. This shows the problem with the crosshair http://gyazo.com/c9095969ffd3ebe3790220516abb41d7. It can only be too far left or too far right, never centred. It’s a pain for sniping.

Can’t you just position it yourself using the input fields xpos and ypos?
It is a big problem to place it perfectly in center automatically on all resolutions.
Quoted from akachu

Is it possible to get more colored blocks?
If not, can this be added?

Do you mean the static colored ones? I will add some of those.

Last edited by Q-Ball,


Quoted from Yogit

[…]Well yo can’t edit things like the death screen; ‘you were killed by’ etc. This shows the problem with the crosshair http://gyazo.com/c9095969ffd3ebe3790220516abb41d7. It can only be too far left or too far right, never centred. It’s a pain for sniping.

the crosshairs will always be at least one pixel off the center, low-res hudpanel.


Quoted from Q-Ball

Can’t you just position it yourself using the input fields xpos and ypos?
It is a big problem to place it perfectly in center automatically on all resolutions.
Do you mean the static colored ones? I will add some of those.

Ah, i thought changing that might help with the crosshair. Do you have any idea what parameters would center it for me? My resolution is 1280×1024 and aspect ratio is 4:3.

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