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fps drops even with good pc

Created 7th July 2014 @ 21:16

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hi, i have some good pc specs and i have 400~ fps on maxframes, but my fps drops a lot
i7 2600k 3.4ghz
gtx 660 msi twinfrozr3
8gb ram 1866 ripjaws
800w lepa 80+
1TB satagate hdd
i use chris maxframes, also i formated my hdd 2 days ago and have only some programs and games on it, i dont think that is the problem. also i use Avast antivirus and Anti-Malware Bytes. on mge i get like 1000fps, but it drops, on 6s matches, i have 250-400 fps but it still drop. any help?


have you tried capping your fps? fps_max

also this http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1093560

Last edited by Popcorp,


drops to how much? 3.4ghz i7 would normally drop to like ~150fps worst case scenario on mids (oh right im on dx9 frames, it should then be even higher on dx8)

you need oc if you want more

some other minor things that can help would be using nohats mod and running tf2 with -high launch option

Last edited by AnimaL,


Best part about your set is that your CPU is 3 times more expensive than your GPU, there is no point in having, there is no real need for such cpu if you do only gaming, it does improve a little, but pretty much never it will do more than 15-30% performance increase comparing to something like x4 750k which costs 4 times less.
And you don’t really need more than 120-130fps anyway, you should probably cap your fps to most stable number

Quoted from Author

Best part about your set is that your CPU is 3 times more expensive than your GPU, there is no point in having, there is no real need for such cpu if you do only gaming, it does improve a little, but pretty much never it will do more than 15-30% performance increase comparing to something like x4 750k which costs 4 times less.
And you don’t really need more than 120-130fps anyway, you should probably cap your fps to most stable number

Wow JELLY MUCH? Also a good GFX card does not matter in TF2. I have GTX780 and when I bought it it improved my TF2 fps by nada.


Quoted from fanny_filth


Wow JELLY MUCH? Also a good GFX card does not matter in TF2. I have GTX780 and when I bought it it improved my TF2 fps by nada.

Nope, just saying that is waste of good cpu, that card won’t be good enough to get all cpu’s potential, 780 is much better for high performance cpu. It’s stupid to spend all your money on good cpu and then cheap out on other parts, if you build a pc, do it right by making balanced build.

Last edited by Author,



i tried capping to like 250 fps, but still. it drops to 30-60 fps, not 150, there wont be problem if the drop wouldnt come lower than 150, but while playing, the drops to 30~ fps is ridiculous.
also, i am working on VFX and montage, so i dont use my pc only for gaming.
any other help? will try the steampowered forum post
p.s. and also i am on dx8 frames

Last edited by Bery,


Maybe your hdd is shit? Test it.



#Septique, maybe, i dont know. got any programs to test hdd?


Don’t really know whats the best software to test it but google gave me few:


Hope these help you


30-60fps is ridonculous with that cpu. I would use coretemp and gpu-z to check temps and clock rates just to make sure one of them isnt under performing.

Also WTF would you install antivirus if you just reformatted. There are no viruses that you get from playing tf2 -_- Just remove them and see if that helps, srsly antivirus is worst thing you can install on fresh pc.

Last edited by AnimaL,



the hdd scan screens

Quoted from AnimaL

30-60fps is ridonculous with that cpu. I would use coretemp and gpu-z to check temps and clock rates just to make sure one of them isnt under performing.

Also WTF would you install antivirus if you just reformatted. There are no viruses that you get from playing tf2 -_- Just remove them and see if that helps, srsly antivirus is worst thing you can install on fresh pc.

i downloaded directly some programs from torrent and didnt want to get viruses :v

Last edited by Bery,


This is my 5 year old 1tb hdd for comparison:




its like i fuck my hdd, but how :D anything can fix this?
btw, i think the problem is gone after the steampowered forum thread lol


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Author

Nope, just saying that is waste of good cpu, that card won’t be good enough to get all cpu’s potential, 780 is much better for high performance cpu. It’s stupid to spend all your money on good cpu and then cheap out on other parts, if you build a pc, do it right by making balanced build.

you dont need a good graphics card to run tf2 well but you need a pretty good cpu for it.

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