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ducktap rocketjump script

Created 4th June 2014 @ 20:19

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Hi there,

Maybe some of you remember me from the very early etf2l seasons playing with team rockit. I have stopped playing TF2 competitively a long time ago and never shared my ducktap rocketjump script with the community. It’s not very fancy or sophisticated and I’m sure there have to be a few others who have written something similar.
You can alternate between normal rocketjump and ducktap jump. It works completely without waits, you just have to press duck a few splitseconds before you do a rightclick rocketjump and off you go (Just try it out yourself, you will get the hang of it sooner or later).
This raises the mobility for soldiers by quite a bit and makes jumps possible that aren’t with normal rocketjump scripts. You no longer need a wall to make low rocketjumps, you can simply duck, turn around and ducktap jump with a somewhat similar arc as you would have if you had jumped off a wall.

I checked the forum and rules and couldn’t find anything keeping me from posting my ducktap rocketjump script. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

So, without further ado:

alias +rocketjump "+duck;+attack;+jump"
alias -rocketjump "-duck;-attack;-jump"

alias +loeduck "+duck; bind mouse2 +loejump"
alias -loeduck "-duck; bind mouse2 +rocketjump"

alias +loejump "-duck; +jump; +attack"
alias -loejump "-jump; -attack"

bind ctrl +loeduck
bind mouse2 +rocketjump

Don’t forget to put

bind ctrl +duck
bind mouse2 +attack2

in all your non soldier classconfigs.

Enjoy ;)

Last edited by Loe,


A ctap script? I’m not good at ctap so I want to try this. Thanks!


How does it work please .
Instructions not clear enough

Last edited by KOBA,



skeej posted it, on the thread that asks if you are able to ctap with a jump crouch script.

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