[Discussion] Share your Chat/Chatbox preferences
Created 29th May 2014 @ 11:22
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davis_> anywhere I can ask questions related to hud editing? since I suppose this channel isn’t the most appropriated
ash`> it’s probably your best bet to just make a thread on our forums, in the appropriate section
ash`> there’s a few people that may be able to help you.
davis_> i didnt do it since it’s such a simple question
davis_> making a thread anyway
Probably misleading title and pointless thread.
Wanted to ask you all, in which way you prefer your chat, since yesterday I wanted to make some hud edits and I couldn’t find anything specifically related to it.
Is there any way to shrink the chat font? Tried to change it on clientscheme.res but probably isn’t the right place.
Is there any way to make that grey chat box transparent? Also tried yesterday but just made it worse (gotta take a ss for you all to see this epic fail)
know any custom huds who do any of these above?
thanks in advance
Last edited by davis_,
hud_saytext_time 0
Quoted from jx53
hud_saytext_time 0
imo that’s great while in dm
though was more into actual hud file editing, not cvar settings, thanks for contributing
Last edited by davis_,
left top corner (m0re hud style)
Quoted from deli
left top corner (m0re hud style)
but then that fucks up with engie’s buildings panel
Quoted from MH
but then that fucks up with engie’s buildings panel
he probably has those in a different place on the screen, saw some custom huds which change them to the centered-left, on the opposite side from where those weapon logos appear when you have hud_fastswitch 0
Quoted from MH
but then that fucks up with engie’s buildings panel
Quoted from deli
not that its much of a problem but i think a lot of people use lowres and then it clips
Quoted from quintosh
not that its much of a problem but i think a lot of people use lowres and then it clips
no it doesnt, hud scales according to res
Last edited by AnimaL,
it only changes if the aspect ratio is changed, right?
try chatscheme.res
gunblade’s m0rehud edit (think it’s on github) has one the looks quite nice
In some huds lower chatbase is better, but in some other huds top chatbase is better. for example for broesel I think lower is better but for pvhud, top chatbase is better…
btw as far as i can remember all my chat edits i did in
but i am not entirely sure. good luck tho
thank you for the help, but for some really odd reason, any change I make to the files, nothing changes, no clue of what I’m doing wrong.
At first, tried to use broeselhud as a base, nothing changed, tried the default hud, nothing changed aswell.
Running out of ideas.
Always used “custom” folder.
I am sure I could change size and position of chat
I will try to do some more stuff with it when i will get back from trip
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