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TF2 running worse since hardware upgrade

Created 28th March 2014 @ 19:22

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Hopefully someone here can offer some insight or suggestions.

I made a few hardware upgrades last weekend, and ever since, TF2 has been running a bit choppily and at a lower framerate than before (or at least it feels like it does – I didn’t get hard numbers before the upgrade, but the FPS counter seems to hover more or less where it did before, with more drops and stutter than before). I can’t figure out the issue, and everything else seems to be running better than pre-upgrade.


– Installed SSD, cloned OS and programs (including TF2) onto SSD and made it default drive
– Upgraded graphics card (GTX 460 -> GTX 760)
– Upgraded RAM (4Gb -> 8Gb)

I have checked the graphics card drivers, they are up to date. I haven’t altered anything in my config since the upgrade, but I’m considering removing what I have and reinstalling chris’ config etc from scratch to see if that makes a difference. Not sure it will help though.

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.


Quoted from almightybob

Hopefully someone here can offer some insight or suggestions.

I made a few hardware upgrades last weekend, and ever since, TF2 has been running a bit choppily and at a lower framerate than before (or at least it feels like it does – I didn’t get hard numbers before the upgrade, but the FPS counter seems to hover more or less where it did before, with more drops and stutter than before). I can’t figure out the issue, and everything else seems to be running better than pre-upgrade.


– Installed SSD, cloned OS and programs (including TF2) onto SSD and made it default drive
– Upgraded graphics card (GTX 460 -> GTX 760)
– Upgraded RAM (4Gb -> 8Gb)

I have checked the graphics card drivers, they are up to date. I haven’t altered anything in my config since the upgrade, but I’m considering removing what I have and reinstalling chris’ config etc from scratch to see if that makes a difference. Not sure it will help though.

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

What’s your CPU?

Either way, check cooling. Most fps drops with newer hardware are due to cooling issues, general choking. If everything is up to date, you should only look into your hardware. Also, you can always reinstall TF2 back unto your HDD, but that won’t change anything. There’s so much that can be wrong, I don’t even have a clue.

Also you mentioned you cloned OS and everything unto your new SSD, did you delete the old drivers of your hardware?

Last edited by rviens,



DISCLAIMER: Just listing some generic stuff to look at here, I don’t know if any of this stuff will have any effect, just trying to help

*Check for fragmentation
*Check for integrity of game cache
*Try setting a maxfps?



Quoted from rviens

What’s your CPU?

Unchanged, i5 760. If that was an issue though I’d have thought it would have happened on the old system as much as the new system though.

Either way, check cooling. Most fps drops with newer hardware are due to cooling issues, general choking.

I’ll look into that, maybe new graphics card isn’t getting enough air to it (although it has more and bigger fans than the old one). CPU cooling is unchanged.

Also you mentioned you cloned OS and everything unto your new SSD, did you delete the old drivers of your hardware?

Yeah I did the graphics card after the SSD, so everything was already cloned. I deleted the old driver, made the switch and installed the new driver like YouTube told me to :P

Quoted from Genmix

DISCLAIMER: Just listing some generic stuff to look at here, I don’t know if any of this stuff will have any effect, just trying to help

*Check for fragmentation
*Check for integrity of game cache
*Try setting a maxfps?

– I was under the impression SSDs couldn’t fragment and that it would only shorten the life of the SSD to defrag it :/
– Tried, didn’t help
– Tried, didn’t help



Try to reinstall everything instead of copying.



Quoted from almightybob

– I was under the impression SSDs couldn’t fragment and that it would only shorten the life of the SSD to defrag it :/

Fragmentation still happens on SSDs its just that the seek time is so low its not an issue. The read/write operations done when defragmenting will shorten the life of the SSD though.

As far as I am aware anyway.

Spike Himself


Quoted from EmilioEstevez

As far as I am aware anyway.

Yep you’re spot on.

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