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Made a mumble overlay...

Created 21st February 2014 @ 16:33

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A while ago I decided to modify my already existing overlay, add a little more sleek look to it and make it universal and not overly obnoxious. Here are the effects. Would be grateful for any sort of feedback.

And here is the link to it:

Featured Item https://www.dropbox.com/s/monwuo7zz5hgim8/featuredlaypreview.png
Featured Item https://www.dropbox.com/s/dod3mp6kkq16z1z/mumbleoverlaycsgo.png
Featured Item bottom https://www.dropbox.com/s/ndekrjv02l46xl2/featuredpreviewbottom.png
Bebas Neue https://www.dropbox.com/s/u0nicppzp078j0h/Bebaslaypreview.png
Bebas Neue bottom https://www.dropbox.com/s/n8iwrwk4w9202je/bebaslaybottompreview.png


v1.1 – added 4:3 aspect ratio option for Featured Item overlay.
v1.2 – added 2 more overlays with a Bebas Neue font. Raised the opacity for both Featured Item overlays. Added a 90 second cooldown for recently active users.

Last edited by jakeowaty,



Awesome, I’m gonna use this. Thanks!


Looks great! gonna use this.


I’ll bump this.

Might work on custom fonts if there’s any need.



Looks great,too bad overlays look like shit on 4:3 aspect ratio

Edit: Anyway possible to make a custom version of this for 1280×1024 resolution?
Since i use that reso stretched on 1920×1080 monitor every overlay looks so ugly

Last edited by Tseini,


is there any way to fix it for 4:3 monitors ?

note: just saw tseini’s message lol ..

Last edited by turkuaz,

Quoted from Tseini

Looks great,too bad overlays look like shit on 4:3 aspect ratio

Edit: Anyway possible to make a custom version of this for 1280×1024 resolution?
Since i use that reso stretched on 1920×1080 monitor every overlay looks so ugly

Play with a normal res then :)


Amazing and awesome overlay!



Quoted from Solid


Play with a normal res then :)

If you teach me to aim on that reso :D


Quoted from Tseini

Looks great,too bad overlays look like shit on 4:3 aspect ratio

Edit: Anyway possible to make a custom version of this for 1280×1024 resolution?
Since i use that reso stretched on 1920×1080 monitor every overlay looks so ugly

Hm. Never tried making overlays for 4:3 aspect ratios, but I sure can give it a try. :)



Quoted from jakeowaty


Hm. Never tried making overlays for 4:3 aspect ratios, but I sure can give it a try. :)

Would be great,thanks for the effort! :)

Last edited by Tseini,


Quoted from Tseini

Looks great,too bad overlays look like shit on 4:3 aspect ratio

Edit: Anyway possible to make a custom version of this for 1280×1024 resolution?
Since i use that reso stretched on 1920×1080 monitor every overlay looks so ugly

You’d probably have to use a special font for this as:
1. Mumble blits text to the DX window specified by parameters
2. Parameters does not include dilation by X or Y

Or you may just edit the sourcecode of overlay, recompile it, and use instead of standard one. You may find the code repo here: https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble/tree/master/overlay

P.S. and yes, this fov “hack” is bad for your health.
love, olBaa

Last edited by olBaa,


Olba is right, unless you are using an actual 4:3 monitor, when you stretch your resolution on a 1920×1080 it’ll look low quality. It’s not a fault of Mumble though, since everything is so stretched. You’d probably have more luck running it in 16:9 aspect ratio on your monitor to avoid stretching.

I made a version for 4:3 though. Raised the font size so it’s less blurry and adjusted it to fit the screen. Apart from that there is little I can do about that. :/

Quoted from Tseini

If you teach me to aim on that reso :D

When I switched from my old monitor (19″ so 1280×1024 as well) it took me about 2 days getting used to a 16:9 res. If I can get used to a setting that quickly it should take you 2 minutes 8)



Quoted from jakeowaty

Olba is right, unless you are using an actual 4:3 monitor, when you stretch your resolution on a 1920×1080 it’ll look low quality. It’s not a fault of Mumble though, since everything is so stretched. You’d probably have more luck running it in 16:9 aspect ratio on your monitor to avoid stretching.

I made a version for 4:3 though. Raised the font size so it’s less blurry and adjusted it to fit the screen. Apart from that there is little I can do about that. :/

Alrighty ill try that ^^.
olbaa,it reduces my fov but i like the feel on it much better :)

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