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Huds not working

Created 10th February 2014 @ 16:45

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I’ve tried everything, I got my hud to work once but not anymore. I’m getting really fucking tired.

C: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common Team Fortress 2 tf custom MyCustomStuff

There are currently 5 folders in there.
Hitsounds, which has the files for hitsounds
prec, which has the files for prec
userstuff, which has all the hud files
userstuff2, which has the hitsounds
userstuff3, which has the prec files.

It used to work when I just put all the shit into custom with a custom folder names such as “hitsounds”, “hud” and so on.

Last edited by jx53,


why are you complicating this ?

inside tf/mycustonstuff put resource/scripts/sounds etc.


It should be


by what you wrote you seem to have

which is wrong

Last edited by AnimaL,


Quoted from AnimaL

It should be


by what you wrote you seem to have

which is wrong

I believe it works now. Thanks, man

Spike Himself


Each folder inside the /tf/custom/ folder will be mapped to your root (/tf/) folder.

So after TF2 has loaded all your custom folders, this will have happened, virtually (in-memory, if you will):

/tf/custom/hud/resources/blabla.resx –> /tf/resources/blabla.resx
/tf/custom/hitsound/sounds/boom.wav –> /tf/sounds/boom.wav

(these files or paths may not actually achieve anything, they are merely illustrating how it works)

p.s. The whole folder thing is just a work-around – what Valve wants you to do is create packages with custom stuff, .vpk files, that you put inside your custom folder, ie /tf/custom/hitsounds.vpk, but nobody can be bothered to do any of that. The idea behind it all is speed gain – Valve have coded their engine so that it will only have to read the .vpk files once. If you put many files inside many folders, the engine will have to read many files, which is slower.

Last edited by Spike Himself,

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