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TF2 freezes when I record a demo on sv_pure 2

Created 6th February 2014 @ 00:14

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When both teams readied up and the round is about to start TF2 freezes. Picture and sound are refreshing like every 3 seconds and my ping goes up to 500. I can’t see the HUD anymore and when i press Esc the main menu closes 1 second after.
I tried it with P-REC and also manually with record in console, but both ways will result in a freeze.
One Reinstallation didnt help

Spike Himself


Remove your hud, configs, and other modifications (reinstalling tf2 will not remove these so you’ve just wasted your time :p).

To make sure configs are actually gone, also disable steam cloud sync.

When you’re playing with 100% vanilla settings, does the problem still occur? If not, you can now being to bring back your config, hud, etc 1 by 1. If the problem still occurs at least you know it’s not because of your tf2 – in that case you could go for driver updates and the like.


Quoted from Spike Himself

Remove your hud, configs, and other modifications (reinstalling tf2 will not remove these so you’ve just wasted your time :p).

To make sure configs are actually gone, also disable steam cloud sync.

When you’re playing with 100% vanilla settings, does the problem still occur? If not, you can now being to bring back your config, hud, etc 1 by 1. If the problem still occurs at least you know it’s not because of your tf2 – in that case you could go for driver updates and the like.

This Problem only occurs when STV is on the server.
I deleted my Custom HUD and with the default HUD it worked. Then I tried another HUD and it froze again. So I can’t use Custom HUDs on a server with STV and record a demo?^^

Spike Himself


Quoted from baum


This Problem only occurs when STV is on the server.
I deleted my Custom HUD and with the default HUD it worked. Then I tried another HUD and it froze again. So I can’t use Custom HUDs on a server with STV and record a demo?^^

That’s the lazy conclusion, yeah. Alternatively, you could try to figure out why exactly your hud is causing this.


I think my old HDD couldn’t handle it. It works fine on my new one now.
Anyway thank you for your time :o)

Last edited by baum,

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