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DirectX8 is stuck

Created 20th January 2014 @ 21:43

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Cant get my tf back to dx9 help plesae.
launch options:
-console -dxlevel 90 -w 1920 -h 1080 -novid -autoconfig


Wtf u have -autoconfig? There is ur problem.


Quoted from AnimaL

Wtf u have -autoconfig? There is ur problem.

just added it cuz friend told me, stays the same without it



travel to the highest point on the Earth and sacrifice a cat in a ritual bowl made of the skull of a dead Asian emperor and you will have fixed your dx8 problem.

Spike Himself


Also use dxlevel 98 instead of 90
(I think! Animal has already posted and didn’t mention it so I’m not entirely sure :D)


-dxlevel 95 is fine if you want more fps

Anyway, the normal way to reset ur tf2 would be to delete /tf/cfg and /tf/custom folders remove launch options and launch tf2 once with -autoconfig launch option.

It should be back to default settings then, just don’t forget to remove -autoconfig after 1st launch.

Last edited by AnimaL,

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