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checking logs ingame doesnt work - html info panel blocked

Created 15th January 2014 @ 17:09

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When I type .ss, !log etc I get the page where it lists the maps in rotation, but not the actual website with the logs. Instead I get this error message printed in console:

Blocking HTML info panel 'http://logs.tf/162535'; Using plaintext instead.

I literally havent changed anything in my cfgs/tf folders, it just suddenly stopped working. Anyone know how to fix that?

Thanks in advance.

Spike Himself


In console, what is the output of cl_disablehtmlmotd ? If it is ‘1’, you found the cause.



Set it to 0, will see if it worked later tonight. Thank you. :)



It’s not your fault. Valve changed something in an update a couple of days ago, so you are now forced to use cl_disablehtmlmotd 0



I was about to say ‘google it’, but then I googled it and this thread was the only useful result.


It has been happening to me as well. Most probably what F2 said. Can you guys report it to valve? I have done it myself but the more the better.

Quoted from F2

It’s not your fault. Valve changed something in an update a couple of days ago, so you are now forced to use cl_disablehtmlmotd 0

Oh well no ingame logs for me then. Not gonna enable that shit ever again.



Quoted from Kaneco

It has been happening to me as well. Most probably what F2 said. Can you guys report it to valve? I have done it myself but the more the better.

I believe the old behaviour was a bug. “Disable html” should block all html content. Now it does.



Quoted from Casual

I was about to say ‘google it’, but then I googled it and this thread was the only useful result.

I was surprised myself, but given the short time since this issue’s first occurance it’s not actually a surprise I suppose.

enabling html via console worked btw, ty.

Last edited by ash,

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