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"What did I hit" script

Created 24th December 2013 @ 03:11

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So I’ve heard of those scripts that show you what class did you hit, so you don’t have to guess when shooting blindly. Can’t find those anywere. Can anyone guide me to one? And is it allowed to have such thing on etf2l?



Only thing I can think off really is a caption system that points out what sounds are being used, so if the medic is hit and he screams then it points out that the medic was hit.

This would only happen though if the class hit “screams”, which you’d be able to hear anyway if you pay just a tiny bit of attention.

Then again I could be dead fucking wrong.


Quoted from Fuxx

Only thing I can think off really is a caption system that points out what sounds are being used, so if the medic is hit and he screams then it points out that the medic was hit.

This would only happen though if the class hit “screams”, which you’d be able to hear anyway if you pay just a tiny bit of attention.

Then again I could be dead fucking wrong.

Yeah what this guy is talking about is closed captions and a lot of people use that, it basically just gives you some text like “soldier hurt”, it’s intended to be used by hearing impaired people and I don’t think it’s really that useful to use it if you can hear the sounds. If it’s something else then I’ve not heard about it but either way doesn’t seem that useful.


yeah it seems kinda pointless, if Soldier Hurt, Medic Hurt etc. were Team colored i would say captions would be more useful that way you would know who to focus but since they are not team colored you dont know which gets hurt therefore you dont know who to focus.


Well I’m pretty sure it’s not what you’re talking about. Or maybe it is, but you kinda don’t understand me 100%. I’ve seen this function being used in one of the HUDs (it was 404 http://imgur.com/a/x4KSi scroll some and you’ll see that) and I don’t think it’s just for the impared people. Well even if it is… I want it :P

Last edited by fenbekus,


Its more of a distraction then anything



Quoted from damneasy

Its more of a distraction then anything

If the guy wants it then help him out, no one really cares about opinions like that (even if I agree with them)


Quoted from fenbekus

Well I’m pretty sure it’s not what you’re talking about. Or maybe it is, but you kinda don’t understand me 100%. I’ve seen this function being used in one of the HUDs (it was 404 http://imgur.com/a/x4KSi scroll some and you’ll see that) and I don’t think it’s just for the impared people. Well even if it is… I want it :P

surely you aren’t talking about damage numbers? Like -102 -10 -3?



Quoted from hr

surely you aren’t talking about damage numbers? Like -102 -10 -3?

Take a look at the 2nd and 3rd picture under overheal(the ones in badlands spawn). Close to the crosshair one can see the class names. My best guess is that this is CC without text, but I’m just guessing.


Quoted from Sash

Take a look at the 2nd and 3rd picture under overheal(the ones in badlands spawn). Close to the crosshair one can see the class names. My best guess is that this is CC without text, but I’m just guessing.

ok yeah that is closed captions, and yes it is intended for the hearing impaired.



I disagree with people who say it isn’t as useful, some people may respond better to visual cues than verbal cues, so the call of “Scout weak, Demo weak” might not register in a messy fight, but seeing it on your screen may tell you what to target before you jump into the fight.


Damn, I thought that thing was more popular, but it seems most of you guys have never even heard about it… Anyway, this thread is “alive” ’till I get my answer, I still need this :P



Quoted from fenbekus

Damn, I thought that thing was more popular, but it seems most of you guys have never even heard about it… Anyway, this thread is “alive” ’till I get my answer, I still need this :P

Can’t you just turn the captions on from the in-game settings and then just edit the position of the captions through console. (Correct me if I’m wrong)


Both yA_hud and hudAS Iscariote have close captions detailing what you recently hit.


Quoted from fenbekus

Damn, I thought that thing was more popular, but it seems most of you guys have never even heard about it… Anyway, this thread is “alive” ’till I get my answer, I still need this :P

You were given an answer and chose to ignore it, it is CLOSED CAPTIONS

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