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How to remove Soundscapes from maps

Created 7th November 2013 @ 17:32

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Quoted from Alfie

all it removes are background map noises. footsteps, gunshots, pickups etc are not background noises. it is just removing atmospheric sounds, nothing useful.

ok thanks a lot :)



Heres a list of things it would affect to be more specific. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_TF2_Soundscapes



So is anybody actually using it? Would like to hear official etf2l admins decision if it either is or is not legit.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from mhwk

So is anybody actually using it? Would like to hear official etf2l admins decision if it either is or is not legit.

I think it’s comparable to enabling/disabling ragdolls. The result is so negligible that it comes down to personal preference.


Legit. Shall use. Thanks

stabby stabby

Seems Valve fixed/broke this in the Smissmas update :(



Still works for me

stabby stabby

Quoted from ondkaja

Still works for me

interesting. I’ll try reinstalling it–thanks!


This shit is so nice. Such silence.


so glad i found this

stabby stabby

The .wav => .mp3 update broke this :(

Any chance of a fix, please?


Quoted from stabby stabby

The .wav => .mp3 update broke this :(

Any chance of a fix, please?

It’s working for me too…
But I can try to fix it. Maybe you installed some sound mods?



Yes, it still works. However, it only deletes soundscapes, any other sounds are not affected by this addon. For example, the wind breeze on Gullywash is not a soundscape but a local (normal) sound. Make sure it’s properly installed.


Quoted from CanFo

Why does this work? Shouldn’t sv_pure 2 take care of any custom sound files?

It’s supposed to be blocked by sv_pure 2, it’s just something which was broken with the steampipe update when they modified sv_pure, it no longer enforces the default files correctly.

Last edited by AnAkkk,



Quoted from AnAkkk


It’s supposed to be blocked by sv_pure 2, it’s just something which was broken with the steampipe update when they modified sv_pure, it no longer enforces the default files correctly.

Actually this has worked since before the Steampipe update, these files were never checked by sv_pure.

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