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F2's SourceMod plugins / Accuracy/MedicStats

Created 1st November 2013 @ 20:24

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Quoted from aura

does it mean that logs.tf now shows real dmg?

No, but real damage is logged, so I hope that zoob will make it possible to toggle between normal damage and real damage on the log pages. If not, I will reimplement the [RD] upload.



Quoted from Kaneco

Is there any way these could be made compatible or integrated in tftrue in the future?

Great work btw!

The only reason it is not compatible is because there is no way to disable TFTrue’s logging of damage, healing, etc. Therefore damage/heals/etc. would be doubled. So there are two solutions:
1) Make it possible for TFTrue to disable extra logging
2) Make TFTrue implement these new stats
In both cases it is Anakin who needs to implement it.



If you downloaded the LogsTF plugin earlier today, please re-download it. There was a bug which sometimes caused the plugin to not respond.

Of course, if you have Updater you don’t need to do anything.



LogsTF v2.1.0
– Uploads logs after each round by default (set logstf_midgameupload 0 to disable it)
– Players are noticed after the first round that they can see midgame stats (set logstf_midgamenotice 0 to disable it)
– Fixed “uploading too fast” when the match ended due to winlimit/windiff
– logstf_autoupload now defaults to 2 (upload logs from all matches)
– Minor bug fixes



Quoted from F2

LogsTF v2.1.0

ash` made me aware that the download link was still v2.0.1. This has been now been corrected.

Last edited by F2,



With the new version of supstats2, you can now see your accuracy for each of your weapons.

Check out this sample log. Hover over each of the class icons to see the accuracies.

Accuracies are computed based on shots fired vs shots hit. Building uber, rocket jumping and clearing stickies (with hitscan weapons) does not affect the accuracy.

So far the following weapons are supported: Shotgun, Scattergun, Pistol, Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launcher, Sniper Rifle, SMG and Needles.

SupStats2 v2.1.0
– NEW: Accuracy Stats
– Rocket jumping and building uber does not affect accuracy
– Clearing stickies does not affect accuracy
– Post-mortem damage now correctly logged (it sometimes wrote “Player” as weapon)
– Fixed spy backstabs sometimes counting as taunt kills
– Minimum airshot distance-to-ground changed from 80 to 170 units
– Minor bug fixes

Last edited by F2,

Goddamn, amazing work.


Needs crossbow accuracy support if not already there. Otherwise awesome work!!!

edit: ubersaw and other melee too!

Last edited by AnimaL,


(ETF2L Donator)

jesus christ this is incredible



that’s fantastic



why did you do this, now everyone will see how god awful i truly am at this game



Quoted from AnimaL

Needs crossbow accuracy support if not already there. Otherwise awesome work!!!

edit: ubersaw and other melee too!

The only “problem” with crossbow is that shooting your own players should also count as a hit. ;) But that should be doable.



To make the Accuracy work, make sure you have SourceMod 1.5.2 or later.

If it still does not work, try downloading the latest SourceMod and manually extract /tf/addons/sourcemod/gamedata/sm-tf2.games.txt to your server.



Team me I want to nerd over these stats

You’re the best F2

Gentleman Jon

Nice, several items on the stats wishlist crossed off.

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