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Created 19th October 2013 @ 19:19

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Since there is a error with my crosshairs because of my config where would I find the file in the tf folder which has the crosshair settings in?


IT will probably be in something like hudlayout.res or clientscheme.res im not entirely sure but I think so :)



It would be helpful if you described your crosshair error in slightly more detail, perhaps provide a screenshot or console error mesages.


I used TF2mate to generate all of my crosshairs however my engineers crosshair is white in the size and shape I selected and spy seems to be a white dot



Quoted from Robeomega

I used TF2mate to generate all of my crosshairs however my engineers crosshair is white in the size and shape I selected and spy seems to be a white dot

What kind of crosshairs were you trying to achieve?

the crosshairswitcher isnt active with spy/engi at default cause it bugs
youll have to put your crosshairs in the engi or spy class cfg or change it to exec the switcher if you dont care about the bugs


Fixed thanks

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