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Help trying to make a crosshair damage indicator.

Created 3rd October 2013 @ 07:07

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I use a built-in crosshair (green cross) and I was wondering if it would be possible to have a thin white circle come up whenever I hit an enemy. If it’s not possible then it is fine.


Just a theory, but if you use a hit indicator crosshair of the circle. Setting the default colour to 255 255 255 0 Logically (If I’m not mistaken) You will have a transparent circle around your crosshair. Upon hitting the colour will be set to 255 255 255 255 which will enable it to be opaque on hit instead of the usual change to red from white on normal hit indicating crosshairs.


Using Yahud as an example in the Clientscheme.res (Will differ depending on HUD)

We will set the crosshair in the hudlayout.res to be a circle after which we edit the options below as follows


"Flavor" "142 142 142 255" //Main color for selecting elements

"Damage" "227 227 227 255" //Damage numbers
"Crosshair" "255 255 255 0" //Crosshair color
"CrosshairDamage" "255 255 255 255" //Crosshair damage flash color
//Make this the same as "Crosshair" to disable the flash

WIll depend per HUD but this should work I think (Haven’t tested yet I’m just on a lunch break haha)

Last edited by Saki,


ist doof

It all depens on your HUD. Usually you’d activate the circle around your crosshair in hudlayout.res, find out its fieldname and edit your hudanimations_tf.txt as follows.

Under event DamagedPlayer add:
Animate crosshairname FgColor “255 0 0 255” Linear 0.0 0.00001
Animate crosshairname FgColor “255 255 255 255” Linear 0.10 0.10001

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