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HUD Survey

Created 2nd September 2013 @ 07:59

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So, I made this post on teamfortress.tv a few minutes ago:

Quoted from

Hey guys. After reading this thread:


I thought about it a bit myself, and decided it would be an interesting statistic to have. After doing a bit of digging, I believe I found a fairly complete list of all of the most popular HUDs that are currently being used, and threw together a survey.

When creating the list, I took all of the names of HUDs in the first post of the comprehensive HUD guide that’s posted here. In addition to that, I also quickly skimmed the customization forum as well, making sure to add in those HUDs that hadn’t made it onto the thread yet. (mangacHUD, Goat_HUD, dinohud, etc.)

If your HUD didn’t make it on the list, I promise that it wasn’t intentionally left out. To do my best to remedy this, I’ve added in an “other” choice at the very bottom of the poll, in which you’re welcome to specify the HUD that I carelessly forgot to add.

As far as results are concerned, I’m more than happy to share them with the community, assuming there’s enough interest. However, it will most likely be a few days at most before I release any information, just to make sure that the most accurate results are collected.

But because I’d like to get accurate results, feel free to share this poll with your friends, regardless of whether or not they play the game competitively.

Anyways, sorry for the wall of text; here’s the poll:


Thank you for reading. :>

And wanted to get you guys involved as well! The more responses, the better!

Thanks so much for all of the potential feedback. :3


Surprised only 2% of people use default hud.



Shame you can’t vote for more than one hud, as some people switch around quite a bit. I always land back on either m0re or default hud though, so I would’ve liked to vote for both. :<



Anyone who doesn’t use OMP HUD is obviously wrong.


or le original m0res hud

whats up with that lol


Quoted from Monkeh

Anyone who doesn’t use OMP HUD is obviously wrong.

I used to use it, but broesel hud has the option to easily get custom crosshairs.
Thats all a hud needs to get me use it.



You should add questions to why people use said huds


Hey guys, a few weeks ago I conducted a survey. (http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/12015/1#post-193751)

Unfortunately shortly after I published the survey, I was then bogged down with college work. After three weeks a few calculus assignemtns, and 1,800+ responses later, I finally had the free time to throw the data together in a format that was somewhat nice to look at.

Without further ado, here it is:


To explain a few things, on table two (or “Raw HUD Results”), the “adjusted votes” were determined by looking at the results of the people that said “Other” as their response, but then specified a hud(s) that was on the survey already. A few examples of this would be Slinfire (Which is an edited BladeHUD), FLV (which is a different version of yA_HUD), etc. I then took those votes out of other and added them to their respective HUDs (Thus the -14 on the “Other” section).

Sorry it took so long to get the results out. I appreciate you all for being so patient with me and giving me great feedback though! It means a lot to me!

EDIT: Also, the site that I used to conduct the survey came with it’s own results form. You can check that out here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19762650/survey_20130922%2009-11-22.pdf

(However, note that it doesn’t show all of the “Other” responses.)



Quoted from jx53


I used to use it, but broesel hud has the option to easily get custom crosshairs.
Thats all a hud needs to get me use it.

I use m0re tweaked by yz50, and imported some crosshairs from fog’s crosshairs v2.
there are a lot of good crosshairs there, konrwings, a lot of crosses, circles and dots.
and some unique crosshairs that I will never use:p

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