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4Script Recording Feature

Created 1st July 2013 @ 18:56

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My TF2 editor 4Script now has the feature of starting TF2 with different huds/plugins enabled. Remember that this only is stil a beta feature and may not be having everything you want. You can launch tf2 normally anyways because everything resets after you close tf2!

Right now there is no option in the editor itself and it can only be started by start parameters aka batch files. Also note that I have no idea how other tools work (I’ve never tried any) and this is just my idea of how it should work.

How does it work?
When you start the application, it will move all files that have “_norec” in the filename to the folder “tf/4Script”. All files that have “_rec” in their name will be moved for into the “tf/custom” folder. TF2 gets launched.

When you close tf2 the process above will be executed in the reverse order (all files with “_rec” -> “tf/4Script”, all files with “_norec” -> “tf/custom”)

You can chose one script file to be executed at the beginning or at the end of autoexec.cfg, it will be cleared again if you close tf2!

For instance:
You put the folder “Medic_Hud_rec” and the folder “Normal_Hud_norec” into tf/custom and if you start the .bat you use your medic hud, if you start tf2 normally you use your normal hud.

What do I need?
You need to have at least v3.3 of 4Script and if you should have started 4Script at least once (and have set the tf/cfg if it ask you for it).

How to use it?
Create a .bat or a .cmd file and add the direct path of 4Script (you can shift-rightclick and click on copy path) like this:

After that you can add all commands you want, some of them are necessary tho. You need at least
"path to 4Script" -nowin -game "Team Fortress 2" -launchsteam "440" -rec

in my case
"C:/Users/Daniel/Desktop/4Script.exe" -nowin -game "Team Fortress 2" -launchsteam "440" -rec

Now save it as a .bat or .cmd file and execute it. :)

List of all Commands:
-nowin: Disables the main Form (currently needed for recording mode)
-game “path”: The cfg folder of the game. NOTE: the path has to end with a double backslash (\)!
-game “game name”: Same as above, but it get’s the information from the 4Script settings (only “Team Fortress 2” possible right now)
-rec: enables recording mode
-launchsteam “id”: Name of the steam app to launch.
-exec “name”: Name of the cfg file that gets execute at the beginning of the autoexec in rec mode
-execend “name”: Same as above, gets added at the end of autoexec.cfg

Last edited by four,

sweet, good work.

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