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HUDs not working on windows 8? [FIXED]

Created 26th June 2013 @ 12:51

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whenever i try to use a HUD on my new laptop it never works.
I install it correctly 100% of the time and i know i’m doing nothing wrong.

When i load tf2 after installing a HUD i just get to this screen: http://puu.sh/3oFRd.jpg And then it closes.

A theory i had was maybe because i have steam installed on one hard drive and tf2 on the other?

Can anyone help me out?


Windows 8
8gb ram
nvidia geforce gtx 660m 2gb
250gb hard drive
750gb secondary hard drive.

HUDs tried: Garm3n, kbnhud, Eve Hud – manual install and the installer.
Path: E:/SteamLibrary/SteamApps/Common/TeamFortress2/tf

Last edited by ijamzo,



get win 7


(ETF2L Donator)

I’m running Windows 8 as well and have no problems at all.

If you want anyone to help you though, try posting the following:

-which HUD
-where did you put it (complete path)
-have you tried other HUDs?



Quoted from slate

I’m running Windows 8 as well and have no problems at all.

If you want anyone to help you though, try posting the following:

-which HUD
-where did you put it (complete path)
-have you tried other HUDs?

Ill add that to the main thread, thanks :)


the path is wrong, needs to be in /tf/custom/randomfoldername/*

so something like /tf/custom/myhud/resources etc


ist doof

Wrong path. Install the HUD folders (resource and scripts) to:

steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/custom/XXX/

You can name XXX however you want, for example “userstuff” or just “HUD”.

Last edited by feeling,



Thanks, works now <3

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