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Lawena recording tool totally bugged for me

Created 11th June 2013 @ 14:46

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Hello ,
When I’m trying to record my frag with lawena , I launch my demos etc .. But since two weeks I have a really strange problem ;

The first time I launch my demo , It’s totally bugged :
Cant see the other player of the other team and of my team
Cant see the health pack and the ammo pack

So I have to relaunch the demo a second time to resolve this , then , When I’m waiting until the tick of my action , I have an other Problems :
The demo crash for no reason at a certain point of the game

And finaly , If I arrived to my tick and I want to start to record :

The bind to start/storp recording a series of .tga files doesnt work

I tried this : Exec autoexec in console to make the game exec recbindings
Exec recbindings but the game say It doesnt exist
Redownload Lawena

Nothing worked for me , I hope your gonna help me and thanks for reading this :)

Spike Himself


launch tf2, open console:

playdemo "filename"
demo_gototick 1234
host_framerate 60
host_timescale 0.001
startmovie movie1_
host_framerate 0
host_timescale 1.0

For which part do you need lawena exactly?


What do you mean by which part ?

Last edited by Tiky,

Spike Himself


Ok, point made.

Sorry I know nothing about lawena – I cannot help you.


I just get it I think , I’m not doing any demo review or anything , I just want to record my frag with the different option that offer lawena like hud / quality this is why I use lawena .




Just use this tool, works just as well. The only thing its missing are VDM files.


Just to be sure are you using the latest version of lawena?


Yeah I downloaded the last version of lawena dont worry , the one who work with steampipe .

Quoted from Mars


Just use this tool, works just as well. The only thing its missing are VDM files.

I’ve already try it but this happend :
Path to TF2: C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonTeam Fortress 2
Recording path: C:UsersRayaneDesktopfmmoviefile
– Applying settings…
– Backing up config… Done, Done
– Installing movie config…
—- HUD…
ERROR: 124

Last edited by Tiky,


same problem here, bump

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