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What do u know about this commands?

Created 8th May 2013 @ 11:55

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AFAIK you need to sv_cheats to use it.

Spike Himself


cl_predict : 0 : , “user”, “cl” : Perform client side prediction.
cl_predictweapons : 1 : , “user”, “cl” : Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.



Quoted from CHERRY

AFAIK you need to sv_cheats to use it.

No, u dont need.



Quoted from Spike Himself

cl_predict : 0 : , “user”, “cl” : Perform client side prediction.
cl_predictweapons : 1 : , “user”, “cl” : Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.

I tested it. And i think game became smoooother -_-. Shall i play with it?
I know it was on (“1”) in m0re’s configs.

Last edited by nwdlz,



Quoted from Spike Himself

cl_predict : 0 : , “user”, “cl” : Perform client side prediction.
cl_predictweapons : 1 : , “user”, “cl” : Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.

so um…. what does it mean exactly?

Lets assume a player has a network latency of 150 milliseconds and starts to move forward. The information that the +FORWARD key is pressed is stored in a user command and send to the server. There the user command is processed by the movement code and the player’s character is moved forward in the game world. This world state change is transmitted to all clients with the next snapshot update. So the player would see his own change of movement with a 150 milliseconds delay after he started walking. This delay applies to all players actions like movement, shooting weapons, etc. and becomes worse with higher latencies.
A delay between player input and corresponding visual feedback creates a strange, unnatural feeling and makes it hard to move or aim precisely. Client-side input prediction (cl_predict 1) is a way to remove this delay and let the player’s actions feel more instant. Instead of waiting for the server to update your own position, the local client just predicts the results of its own user commands. Therefore, the client runs exactly the same code and rules the server will use to process the user commands. After the prediction is finished, the local player will move instantly to the new location while the server still sees him at the old place.
After 150 milliseconds, the client will receive the server snapshot that contains the changes based on the user command he predicted earlier. Then the client compares the server position with his predicted position. If they are different, a prediction error has occurred. This indicates that the client didn’t have the correct information about other entities and the environment when it processed the user command. Then the client has to correct its own position, since the server has final authority over client-side prediction. If cl_showerror 1 is turned on, clients can see when prediction errors happen. Prediction error correction can be quite noticeable and may cause the client’s view to jump erratically. By gradually correcting this error over a short amount of time (cl_smoothtime), errors can be smoothly corrected. Prediction error smoothing can be turned off with cl_smooth 0.
Predicting an object’s behavior only works if the clients knows the same rules and state of the object as the server. That’s usually not the case since the server knows more internal information about objects than the clients do. Clients see only a small part of the world and just get enough information to render objects. Therefore, prediction works only for your own player, and the weapons controlled by you. Proper prediction of other players or interactive objects is not possible on the client at this point.


As far as cl_predictwepon command goes, this might be related to client prediction of projectile effects. Such as juggeling and pyro reflection. But I can’t find any trustworthy sources confirming or denying this.



Yeah set both of those to 0, also cl_lagcompensation 0 makes you a lot better at videogames.


Quoted from Rake

Yeah set both of those to 0, also cl_lagcompensation 0 makes you a lot better at videogames.


i never use lagcompensation, its better for you!



after changing cl_predict and cl_predictweapons to “0” i have problems with sound. -_- Sounds like i put one sticky or pipe twice! Any solution?


you can fix it by typing volume 0



Quoted from AnimaL

you can fix it by typing volume 0

Lol what? :D
Btw i think that “1” is def. for cl_predict and cl_predictweapons -_-

Spike Himself


Quoted from nwdlz

Any solution?

Set cl_predictweapons to 1.

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