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Steampipe can go suck it

Created 1st May 2013 @ 15:21

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Spike Himself


Quoted from raiku

Well my tf2 is working now, for it’s first time.

How do I add my hud to this folder?
/hud(with resources and script) or do I just copy the resource and script folder next to the cfg folder?

the files you would have put in /tf/ previously now go in /custom/afolderformyhudhooray/ (make up anything you want for that folder’s name)

Basically anything that had previously gone in /tf/ now goes in /custom/[somefolder]/ and you can have as many folders in /custom/ as you want (no idea in what order they are loaded, presumably alphabetic).

Here are a few examples:


Last edited by Spike Himself,


reading helps, nowhere in any tutorial it says you have to put files in custom/* but insted in custom/randomfolder/*




Well sorry, everyone kept telling me all sorts of fairy tails…



Thanks everyone finally got this horse poop of an update working.
Still it’s as fast as it was for me before :(



Quoted from raiku

Thanks everyone finally got this horse poop of an update working.
Still it’s as fast as it was for me before :(

Look. This shit was supposed to put stuff in .vpk files because that makes it efficient for the game to load. If you go about reinstalling all your huds and cfgs as loose files on disk (WHICH WAS THE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE) how the fuck are you expecting better performance?

Please don’t blame your own stupidity on others.


loading hud isnt decreasing the performance… loading tens of custom models might tho too little really to notice



I ment that as in everything is still as fast as it was before.
And before I loaded a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time into a server then everyone else and I still get to the server first. So suck it.



You seem to have some kind of infatuation with sucking ‘it’.

Tell me, are you feeling angry at these strange thoughts you’ve been having about the boys around you, these thoughts that subliminally leak into your posts?



Happend to me, i validated and it was fixed :)



Quoted from Monkeh

You seem to have some kind of infatuation with sucking ‘it’.

Tell me, are you feeling angry at these strange thoughts you’ve been having about the boys around you, these thoughts that subliminally leak into your posts?

Good point, I have no idea BUT I DON’T LEIK TO SUCK THINGS K.

I’m a weirdo sorry.

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