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My tweaked Medic Cfg's

Created 1st May 2013 @ 11:50

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How to install them: Go into your Steam/SteamApps/Common/team fortress 2/tf/cfg
and put the medic scripts in the medic.cfg and create a reset.cfg and put it in the binds+unbinds, type exec reset in all classes cfg you don’t want the medic scripts to transfer to.

So I don’t have mouse 4 and 5. and in chriss’es medic scripts he uses it a lot, + his spawn switch losses uber. and I tweaked auto heal to work perfectly.
binds are a subject to be changed for whatever you like. for a trustful uber mask call medic whenever you can and you are protected and z to mask when having 98-99% uber.

Most scripts are taken from ambrouse:)
So here they are!
(Warning: If you don’t want them to transfer into other classes you should crate reset.cfg and put this in it:
exec undo360controller
unbind MOUSE1
unbind MOUSE2
unbind MOUSE3
unbind MOUSE4
unbind MOUSE5
unbind [
unbind ]
unbind “ENTER”
bind “MWHEELUP” “invprev”
bind “MWHEELDOWN” “invnext”
bind MOUSE1 +attack
//bind MOUSE1 spec_next
bind MOUSE2 +attack2
//bind MOUSE2 spec_prev
echo “Mouse buttons reset!”
hud_fastswitch 1
bind “w” “+forward”
bind “a” “+moveleft”
bind “s” “+back”
bind “d” “+moveright”
cl_drawhud 1
and type exec reset in all classes cfg you don’t want the medic cfg to transfer into them)

//This turns off all your viewmodels except for melee, allows changing crosshairs, and sets up the shit for the autoheal.
//Feel free to edit this if you like viewmodels on or don’t like certain crosshairs.
alias slot_1 “slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; cl_crosshair_file crosshair5; cl_crosshair_scale 18; cl_crosshair_red 255; cl_crosshair_blue 255; cl_crosshair_green 0; fm_default”
alias slot_2 “fire; slot2; r_drawviewmodel 0; cl_crosshair_file crosshair3; cl_crosshair_scale 28; cl_crosshair_red 128; cl_crosshair_green 128; cl_crosshair_blue 128; fm_medigun”
alias slot_3 “slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1; cl_crosshair_file crosshair6; cl_crosshair_scale 32; cl_crosshair_red 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 255; fm_default”
bind “1” “slot_1; weapon; -attack”
bind “2” “slot_2; medigun; +attack”
bind “3” “slot_3; weapon; -attack”

//Auto-heal fix. This allows you to not have your finger held on the mouse button to heal people, and fixes the shitty way that valve handles it.
//To enable this, enable autoheal in your options.
tf_medigun_autoheal “0”

alias “weapon” “bind MOUSE1 +attack”
alias “medigun” “bind MOUSE1 +heal”

alias +heal “-attack; spec_next”
alias -heal “+attack”

alias +uber “dropitem; +attack2; spec_prev”
alias -uber “-attack2”

bind MOUSE1 +attack
bind MOUSE2 +uber

//Press this if you need to find nearby teammates.
//I would not suggest using this if you are surrounded by teammates, as it annoys the fuck out of you.
alias “autocall_default” “hud_medicautocallersthreshold “75””
alias “autocall_all” “hud_medicautocallersthreshold “150””
alias “+radar” “autocall_all”
alias “-radar” “autocall_default”
bind 4 “+radar”

//Move spawn without losing uber %
//Modified version of Chris’s moving spawn script. In its current state, his script makes you join a random class and switch back to medic.
//This makes you lose ubercharge, which is shitty. Also, if you’re playing a highlander match, you can’t change to a random class.
//This script fixes all that shit!
//What this effectively does it changes your loadout to its second preset, then back to your first.
//In order for this script to work properly, you need to have the same medigun equipped in both preset A and B, at least one different weapon in the loadouts, and
//’automatically respawn after loadout changes’ checked in advanced options.
//Tap twice to move spawn.
//Essentially – Preset A has the same syringe gun and medigun as preset B, but preset B has a different bonesaw. When you press the button, it switches your loadout, makes you respawn,
//and moves your spawn up. You press it again to switch back to your normal loadout.
alias “movespawn_first” “load_itempreset 1; alias “movespawn_third” “movespawn_second””
alias “movespawn_second” “load_itempreset 0; alias “movespawn_third” “movespawn_first””
alias “movespawn_third” “movespawn_first”
bind “f3” “movespawn_third”

//Faking uber call
//Fakes uber, alerts your team in chat.
bind “x” “voicemenu 1 7; say_team Uber faked, No we don’t have one”

//Popping uber
//When you pop your uber, your team is alerted in chat.
bind MOUSE1 +fire
bind MOUSE2 “+attack2; uber”
alias uber “slot2 ;say_team Uber used, don’t make me regret it.”

//Masking Uber
//Press the button when you reach 98% uber and it should cover it up quite nicely.
//Also, be sure to spam Medic! when you are protected so when you have uber mask it. and the enemy team won’t suspect it.
bind “z” “voicemenu 0 0; say_team Uber Ready!”

bind MOUSE1 +attack
//bind MOUSE1 spec_next


alias +crouchjump “+jump; +duck”
alias -crouchjump “-duck; -jump”
bind “space” “+crouchjump”
echo “Crouch Jump Loaded Properly.”

Last edited by Phnx,

Spike Himself


A long time ago I wrote a spawn changing thingy that also uses the loadout presets. It didn’t only swap spawns but it also adds swapping between kritz and uber with the press of a button:


But yeah good stuff :)



Quoted from Spike Himself

A long time ago I wrote a spawn changing thingy that also uses the loadout presets. It didn’t only swap spawns but it also adds swapping between kritz and uber with the press of a button:


But yeah good stuff :)



Quoted from Phnx

Also, if you’re playing a highlander match, you can’t change to a random class.

Er, nope. Highlander configs do not have class limits for that exact reason.

Spike Himself


Quoted from SmitZ


Er, nope. Highlander configs do not have class limits for that exact reason.

ETF2L isn’t the only provider of match configs in the world :)


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Don’t use autoheal scripts. The built-in autoheal option is superior.

Also, I was watching a cc// vod and ipz didn’t seem to be aware of this, and he’s prem, so other people might not be either: Spawn hopping while retaining uber also works when you hop to a forward spawn. Seems kind of obvious, but sometimes in random games I see a soldier and medic spawn at the same time when their team is capping the next cp, and they’re like “should we walk or get forward spawn?”. Ubercharge shouldn’t be a part of that equasion, you can hop forward and retain it too.



Quoted from skeej

Don’t use autoheal scripts. The built-in autoheal option is superior.

Also, I was watching a cc// vod and ipz didn’t seem to be aware of this, and he’s prem, so other people might not be either: Spawn hopping while retaining uber also works when you hop to a forward spawn. Seems kind of obvious, but sometimes in random games I see a soldier and medic spawn at the same time when their team is capping the next cp, and they’re like “should we walk or get forward spawn?”. Ubercharge shouldn’t be a part of that equasion, you can hop forward and retain it too.

It’s because you build uber faster, no time wasted. not even 1-2 seconds which sometimes can be important. and you still show up there.



You have so many conflicting binds in there. Mouse 1 appears to be bound 4 times for no apparent reason. At one point it is bound to +fire, which I don’t think is a command. Luckily it is later rebound again to good old +attack. Mouse 2 is also bound 3 times to 3 different things.

You also define uber as

alias +uber “dropitem; +attack2; spec_prev”
alias -uber “-attack2″

But then later

bind MOUSE2 “+attack2; uber”
alias uber “slot2 ;say_team Uber used, don’t make me regret it.”

Which means this second one will apply and your dropitem is no longer being executed. Also there’s no reason to have this second alias when you only use it once, other than to make your script look more complicated than it is. Just use

bind MOUSE2 “+attack2; slot2;say_team Uber used, don’t make me regret it.”

I would continue tweaking.

Last edited by almightybob,

Spike Himself


Quoted from Phnx

It’s because you build uber faster, no time wasted. not even 1-2 seconds which sometimes can be important. and you still show up there.

Losing 2% uber in the grand scheme of things doesn’t matter much. Sure there will be situations where it could’ve saved your life, or the round, but statistically that doesn’t happen so often.

I would use that same argument to defend why I don’t use the autoheal thingy. skeej is right – it is superior, but there’s also the personal preference factor. Personally I find it much easier to just hold the button down to heal. Like above, the few uber%s I may lose may cost me a life or a round every once in a while, but statistically it’s not going to be a huge difference.

If 2% uber cost you a round there’s probably plenty of other things in your team that aren’t going right.



but spike, that’s why youre so bad at this game! :P

Spike Himself


Quoted from ash

but spike, that’s why youre so bad at this game! :P

This and many other things.



Quoted from almightybob

You have so many conflicting binds in there. Mouse 1 appears to be bound 4 times for no apparent reason. At one point it is bound to +fire, which I don’t think is a command. Luckily it is later rebound again to good old +attack. Mouse 2 is also bound 3 times to 3 different things.

You also define uber as


But then later


Which means this second one will apply and your dropitem is no longer being executed. Also there’s no reason to have this second alias when you only use it once, other than to make your script look more complicated than it is. Just use

bind MOUSE2 “+attack2; slot2;say_team Uber used, don’t make me regret it.”

I would continue tweaking.

Forgot to mention. I suck at scripting… but everything seems to work as I want it to, so I don’t really care how it looks:p



alias uber_fake "voicemenu 1 7; say_team *** FAKED CHARGE ***"
alias +ac_show "hud_medicautocallersthreshold 142.5"
alias -ac_show "hud_medicautocallersthreshold 50"

alias +uber_chrg "weapon2; +attack2; dropitem; say_team *** CHARGE USED ***; voicemenu 0 0; spec_prev"
alias -uber_chrg "-attack2"

alias weapon1 "w1; alias +medicatk ss_n; alias -medicatk ss_f; syrisaw"
alias weapon2 "w2; alias +medicatk mg_n; alias -medicatk mg_f; medigun"
alias weapon3 "w3; alias +medicatk ss_n; alias -medicatk ss_f; syrisaw"

alias atk_n "alias syrisaw +attack; alias medigun -attack"
alias atk_f "alias syrisaw -attack; alias medigun +attack"
alias ss_n "+attack; spec_next; atk_n"
alias mg_n "-attack; spec_next; atk_n"
alias ss_f "-attack; atk_f"
alias mg_f "+attack; atk_f"

alias +medicatk "ss_n"
alias -medicatk "ss_f"

bind mouse1 "+medicatk"
bind mouse2 "+uber_chrg"
bind mouse5 "+ac_show"
bind t "uber_fake"

tf_remember_activeweapon 1
hud_medicautocallersthreshold 50
hud_medicautocallers 1
hud_medichealtargetmarker 1
tf_medigun_autoheal 0


My medic script. Has auto-heal, radar, uber fake. It has no item presets because I change my hats manually if I need to move spawn. It’s also designed to work with broesels crosshairswitcher, though I use my own crosshairswitcher. I also switch between players when I’m dead by using the scrollwheel.

Last edited by ondkaja,



Is medic radar really flaky or I have never done it right?



Quoted from skeej

Don’t use autoheal scripts. The built-in autoheal option is superior.

exlpain pls

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