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OMP hud crosshairs

Created 11th March 2013 @ 19:18

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is there any way to get crosshairs from other huds onto this hud?


Yes, there is, but it requires some modding.

First open both tf/scripts/hudlayout.res files from both HUDs.
Then copy the crosshair part you want to use.

Second, open the tf/resource/ClientScheme.res, again from both huds.
Find the part where the fonts are defined. Copy&paste the font your crosshair uses.
You might need to add a custom font file (at the bottom of the clientscheme file), if you don’t want to install the font by right-clicking. And of course add the required font file to your tf/resource/ folder.


thanks very much!


Not sure if this has been asked but does anyone know how to bring a hud xhair from one HUD, into another hud as an achievement tracker xhair?

Edit: Got it working from help here at these 2 links:

Garm3n’s explanation on moving Xhairs

hud achievement crosshair guide

Last edited by Saki,

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