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Alternative to Hud Crosshairs

Created 5th March 2013 @ 18:13

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I saw that alot of players I’ve seen want to use the HudCircle/any other HudCrosshair, but then do not try anymore because they don’t know how to center it (sometimes it’s also not possible).
So I looked a bit on the TF2 mechanichs.
I’ve come so far that you can create and include your own crosshairs (that would make it possible to create a custom crosshair switcher).
So to do this I just list up some steps.
1. Open C:Programm FilesSteamSteamApps and then open the “team fortress 2 materials.gcf” with a programm called GFScape (just google it).
2. Then open tfmaterialsvgui and then right click on “crosshairs” and klick “Extract”. (Then extract anywhere you want).
3. Then you can open e.g. crosshair5.vtf. Then klick topleft and klick export. (Then export as .tga anywhere you want)
4. Then open the .tga with paintNet or Photoshop (or any other programm you want).
5. Then you can edit the crosshair and save again as a .tga.
5.1 Then you can go back to the vtf and then click top left again then klick import then take your .tga/.jpg
6. Now you copy the crosshair5.vtf and the crosshair5.vmt and paste it in the same folder. Then rename it to anything you want. (They have to have the same name).
7. To make the Crosshair working you have to open the .vmt and edit this line : “$basetexture” “VGUIcrosshairscrosshair5”. You just have to edit the “crosshair5” to the name of the .vtf file you created.
8.Then save it and youre nearly finished.
You just have to copy the .vmt and the .vtf files to c:Programm FilesSteamSteamApps*usename*Team Fortress 2tfmaterialsvguicrosshairs.
9.Then if you start tf2 and go to your options you can just select more crosshairs than normal. (You have to pick the xhair with the name you created.)
10. You could also just type cl_Crosshair_file “name” in the console.
11. Be happy^^
12. I created a .zip you can download, and then there is every crosshair with the normal Crosshair circle around it. (I think it’s perfectly centered)

If you’ve downloaded my package just extrackt the materials folder in the zip to your tf folder. ;)

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/etbbtbmctjnzscm/circle.zip?m

Last edited by TheSpok,


I don’t think that works in servers with sv_pure set to 2 aka every competitive server


Uh it does^^ I tried it on my own server and on 4 different servers (3 Valve, one competetive server)

Carlos Kaiser

You have discovered America.

Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from TheSpok

Uh it does^^ I tried it on my own server and on 4 different servers (3 Valve, one competetive server)

Exec any config and try again or do rcon sv_pure 2.


I did and it still worked

Last edited by TheSpok,

Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from TheSpok

I did and it still worked

Do the custom skins (if you have any) work too? If no it seems quite interesting, those crosshairs never worked in pure for me.


No… just the xhairs



Tested the zip package on two different war servers (one of which I have FTP access to, and has sv_pure 2 included in the server.cfg). It works!

Unfortunately, the crosshairs in the package are VERY blurry on mat_picmip 2. You pretty much need to use mat_picmip -1 to use the crosshairs.

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131066298 (mat_picmip 2)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131066352 (mat_picmip -1)

But, at least this shows that the method works. Hopefully someone else will make nicer crosshairs in the future! Kudos for discovering it.



Ahaha, I opened the mat_picmip -1 first, and when I saw it I assumed it was the bad quality one.

Then I opened the mat_picmip 2 screenshot, jesus christ that looks fucking terrible.



Quoted from ondkaja

bla bla bla
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131066298 (mat_picmip 2)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131066352 (mat_picmip -1)

ahahahaha dem pixels.


It’s strange for me there are no pixels http://d.pr/i/AtUA



Quoted from TheSpok

It’s strange for me there are no pixels http://d.pr/i/AtUA

Probably has something to do with mat_filtertextures then.



mat_forceaniso 16 will make it smoother
edit: you also forgot to add in the step where you import the new TGA

Last edited by Starkie,

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