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Lagspikes in TF2

Created 24th January 2013 @ 14:48

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During the last couple of days my ping on ANY TF2 server has been spiking from 44 to 310,
At first my ping just stayed at 300’ish for quite awhile (maybe 5-10 minutes) It stopped doing that 2 days ago and now it spikes in half a second from 180 and up and returns to 43 in maybe 10 seconds

the things I’ve tried so far is to reset my router, twice now. Didn’t help at all

I played Black Ops 2 with some friends last night and I didnt feel a thing NOT ONCE. worst case scenario its super simple and im too retarded to fix it, I had a couple of people in my highlander team having the exact same issue.

Anyone that can help out on this?

Thanks in advance

Last edited by mrwhizz,



I’m probably getting this on our team server :D Glad I’m not the only one having it.

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