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Help needed with knhud's crosshairs :S

Created 23rd January 2013 @ 14:11

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I’m trying to use a custom crosshair but it looks so weird…

I have tried to mess around with the fogcrosshair options in the clientscheme file, but can’t find a fix for it :S

The first Pic looks semi-decent but the second one is all messed up, no ?

1) http://gyazo.com/8f363b45452edf8c820af5066802453c
2) http://gyazo.com/359ff5b59eef794042d06d7533c94c4a

help ? :(

Last edited by raiku,



What exactly are you trying to do?

If you are trying to remove the border, go into the ClientScheme.res:
"outline" "0" // Change from 1 to 0

If you don’t want it “pixelated”, go into the ClientScheme.res:
"antialias" "1" // Change from 0 to 1

If you are talking about the crosshair in the second screenshot looking distorted, all I can say is that you have to play with the “xpos”, “ypos”, “wide” and “tall” properties in ClientScheme.res and HudLayout.res respectively until you get the desired effect.

Last edited by chipstalaizah,

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