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fps capping?

Created 1st January 2013 @ 20:23

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Hey guys what is your opinion on capping frames?
I always followed Chris’ advice from his maxframes cfgs, because I have no idea about anything :>

This FPS cap should *always* be set to a value higher than `cl_cmdrate’ in
any case, or the discrepancy between clientside frame generation and frames
to be sent to the server will no doubt cause you many a headache, especially
when it comes down to hit registration. Other than that, I recommend
for everyone to use the value `132′ (2*66), as long as you can generally
keep that value stable without regular drops.

My PC is pretty “new”, my fps can go up to ~400. I always capped at 132 (following Chris).
But this was on a 60hz monitor… I will upgrade to 120hz(actually 144hz) the next days.
And I also saw a lot of players playing without any fps caps…

Is there a (general) “right” value for capping fps and can you explain me why?
Or is it just personal preference?

Happy new year folks!


I think Chris already stated that capping fps couses jittering for some.
other then that personal preference


low fps cap, even 132 is really noticable, even on 60hz monitors…

since many ppl have 120hz monitors they cap to higher 241… but imo you can still see difference when comparing 241 and 0… sure 241 is pretty fluid but not like no cap at all

good spot to cap? 999, will avoid bugs that come with going over 1000fps and keep game as fluid as it can get… any other value is personal preference of how much you can or cant see difference at

Last edited by AnimaL,



This might help, not sure myself though.



If you play with mouse accel you should cap the FPS to a value that you can always hold (accel is dependant on FPS). If you have problems with screen tearing, cap your FPS at (in your case) 145 or 289. Otherwise, play uncapped.


Quoted from Cuttlefish

This might help, not sure myself though.

A lot of mixed opinions in that thread…
But there is one interesting post:

Actually, he’s right. The game is limited to 300 FPS–hence that being the default fps_max value. Anything above that is tossed away.

Is that true? So what happens when I have over 300 fps? I can’t try it since I am not at home :c

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