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Damage number.

Created 28th December 2012 @ 14:47

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I’m using the default hud but is there any chance someone could type out here a small step by step reply on how to change the colour and size of the damage number?
I would really appreciate it if you could thanks.



You want something like this http://pastebin.com/yRWCFVB5
in resource/ui/HudDamageAccount.res

PositiveColor is healing, NegativeColor is regular damage.
delta_lifetime is how long the number stays up, most huds I think have 1.5 or 2.0.
delta_item_font is the font, you can change the size by looking at the fonts in Clientscheme.res, just ctrl + f for HudFontMedium, check the tall value (which is size) and find a font that is bigger/smaller.
delta_item_font_big is the font for critical hits.



Quoted from zen1th

You want something like this http://pastebin.com/yRWCFVB5
in resource/ui/HudDamageAccount.res

PositiveColor is healing, NegativeColor is regular damage.
delta_lifetime is how long the number stays up, most huds I think have 1.5 or 2.0.
delta_item_font is the font, you can change the size by looking at the fonts in Clientscheme.res, just ctrl + f for HudFontMedium, check the tall value (which is size) and find a font that is bigger/smaller.
delta_item_font_big is the font for critical hits.

Do i just copy and paste what is in the pastebin into the HudDamageAccount?

Last edited by Josh,



Yep. If you just have the default hud the file probably won’t be there, maybe even the folders. If that’s the case, you can just make them.

Last edited by zen1th,


(ETF2L Donator)

Normally files like the one you want are stored in the archive called “team fortress 2 content.gcf”. If you extract them into their respective folders with a program like GCF Scape they will override the ones in the archive. In this case we know the location and looks of the file so we can create them straight away. You need to do the following:

(1) Create a new text document named HudDamageAccount.res in |Steam Directory|/steamapps/|Account Name|/team fortress 2/tf/resource/ and whatever folders are missing in that path.

(2) Copy the content posted by zen into HudDamageAccount.res

(3) There are several predefined text types, each with a different shape and size. They are defined in a file called ClientScheme.res under Fonts{…} starting at line 409. The names you are looking for are Default, DefaultUnderline, DefaultSmall etc. The ones on the format HudFontSmall, HudFontSmallBold, HudFontMedium, HudFontMediumBold are the most frequently used. Try out some different ones in the delta_item_font and delta_item_font_big fields in HudDamageAccount.res and type hud_reloadscheme into console in game to apply the changes you made. You could also defined your own text types (they’re called fonts but they are really not) based on existing fonts or others that have to be explicity loaded. I personally like my digits with a black outline, which requires that you edit the font entries in ClientScheme.res to get something decent.

Good luck and write back if you need any more help ;)

Last edited by ell,



ell hud master to the rescue, nice post :)


(ETF2L Donator)


Last edited by ell,

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