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TF2 configs for dummies!

Created 19th September 2012 @ 15:07

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Quoted from octochris

I should clarify, the suggestion to use multiple frames/quality configs interchangeably.

Oh, I see. Then I agree.

Last edited by envy,



Some comments:

About quality configs
Put them in your command line instead. For example, put +exec fps_maxframes.cfg there.
What this will do is ONLY load the maxframes config when you launch tf2 the ‘normal’ way by clicking the icon through steam.
Movie tools such as lawena can then launch tf2 directly & load their own quality configs without ever interfering.
Also you are free to re-exec autoexec.cfg without fearing of something screwing up.

(eh already mentioned but w/e)

bind “z” “+duck; +jump” // Pressing Z will make you duck and jump at the same time!

I don’t understand how this will work. Last time I checked when you bind commands to a key, the game will check if the first character if the command is a ‘+’, if so it will execute the same command but replace the + with a – upon releasing the key. In this case it’ll exec “-duck; +jump”.
To test how primitive this system is, try this: bind mouse1 ” +attack”. It’ll attack but since the first character is a space it won’t run -attack.
Putting more than one command in a bind is bad practice anyway and should be avoided at all costs.

Not enough abstraction, how to do it right:
In your autoexec.cfg put
bind 1 "weapon1"
bind 2 "weapon2"

Later alias those in the class configs.

Don’t just alias random stuff, if you really want to organize your code create pseudo namespaces. Instead of alias rocket “…”; alias shotgun “…”, use alias wpn_rocket “…”; alias wpn_shotgun “…”.
Basic programming stuff in other words. Keep in mind alias identifiers have a 31 character limit.

Can’t think of more…

Last edited by Casual,

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