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OpenPlugin by Casual

Created 14th September 2012 @ 10:48

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Quoted from Arcticcu

Of course you are. You’ve used something that bypasses vac (unsigned third party plugin), and is therefore a cheat. Correct me if I’m wrong, but a cheater is defined as someone who uses cheats.

You are confusing 3 things: Bypassing VAC, getting banned by VAC and using a cheat.

I’m playing on linux, the linux version of tf2 still loads all unsigned plugins. So if i load p-rec after the steampipe update, when it doesn’t have a valid signature, i’m a cheater?
Like you said only if you use a cheat, you’re a cheater.

Do you think OpenPlugin is a cheat? Let’s take a look at the 4 features:
-name != steamname doesn’t affect the gameplay
-downloadfilter mapsonly doesn’t affect the gameplay
-fov up to 130

If those mat_picmip 9999 textures gave you an advantage everyone would use them via ati tray tools or whatever. Or do really think that they are unfair?

So only the fov is left. Now enlighten me how higher fov is a cheat, an unfair advantage.


Quoted from Setsul


So only the fov is left. Now enlighten me how higher fov is a cheat, an unfair advantage.

I’ve no need to, as I’m not opposed to having higher fov. Valve has however made it VERY CLEAR by now that any unsigned plugins are considered cheating. Therefore also this unsigned plugin is considered cheating.

I think I’ll just take Valve’s word for what is a cheat in their own game, instead of relying upon your own definition of a cheat.

Any third-party modification to a game designed to give one player an advantage over another is classified as a cheat or hack and will trigger a VAC ban.

I’m sure you’re aware that one of the latest game updates classified OpenPlugin as a cheat, because it clearly blocked it’s usage and said that continued usage of it will lead to bans. It was also previously deemed as a cheat by vac rules (third party modification designed to give advantage (advantage is higher fov; any downsides caused by it are irrelevant)). Keep arguing about it if you want, but you’re effectively arguing valve’s rules which I’m simply copying.

Last edited by Arcticcu,


And…it’s fixed!



Quoted from AnAkkk

And…it’s fixed!



Continued use of such plug-ins will risk your Steam account getting VAC banned.

This is the turning point people.
For the love of god make a petition or something.


Quoted from Arcticcu

Of course you are. You’ve used something that bypasses vac (unsigned third party plugin), and is therefore a cheat. Correct me if I’m wrong, but a cheater is defined as someone who uses cheats.

I’m not quite sure what you problem is, specifically… Enlighten me. Here’s a couple of hypothetical scenarios:


Let’s say I don’t use open plugin, but I do use ATI Tray Tools to alter my game’s graphics in the same/similar way that open plugin does. Does that make me a cheater?

If you say this DOESN’T make me a cheater, then your only problem is with open plugin is that it bypasses VAC, correct?


If I have open plugin installed, but I don’t use any of its functions, am I still a cheater?

As a player who isn’t using it, your only concern with the plugin should be whether someone using it has an advantage over you (which they quite clearly don’t). So if your only issue is that it bypasses VAC, you’re just an idiot. I don’t think there’s any sane person who’s arguing here for the plugin itself, but merely arguing for greater customisation in the game. It just so happens that customisation doesn’t exist, so people have to resort to using plugins to get the results they want. And so be it, I see no issue with this.


Quoted from Guyyst






Quoted from AnAkkk



what about valve’s statement with plugins?


Quoted from alba


what about valve’s statement with plugins?

Use at your own risk.


anakin already fixed it, you can find it on github… now go and get ur vac bans..



Quoted from AnAkkk


Use at your own risk.

Since Valve offically said that bypassing the -insecure check gets you VAC-banned now, isn’t that a 100% ban?

Last edited by Guyyst,




Quoted from Guyyst


Since Valve offically said that bypassing the -insecure check gets you VAC-banned now, isn’t that a 100% ban?

No, they still need to add checks for the .dll file in their VAC database.


ring0 4tw



Quoted from SmitZ


If I have open plugin installed, but I don’t use any of its functions, am I still a cheater?


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