Color changing xhair
Created 23rd August 2012 @ 20:00
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Hey guys, I was wondering if it’s possible to make your xhair (circle for example) change color when you change weapon like it’s possible with custom crosshairs built in TF2. Does anyone know if it’s possible? If you do, please tell me how :P. Thx
Quoted from rytis
tf2mate does that i’m pretty sure
Yes, but it has only crosshairs already included in TF2. I’d like to have that sexy cross from quake (it’s more sexier than that TF2 one).
Quoted from Hitm@n
[…] Yes, but it has only crosshairs already included in TF2. I’d like to have that sexy cross from quake (it’s more sexier than that TF2 one).
my bad then sorry :D
use hud xhaircircles for outlines and then fill with normal tf2 crosshair which changes colour
It is possible to have the crosshair changing color at certain situations like low health, low ammo, damaged player and some other situations but I don’t think it works with weapons :s
Ok, thanks for your answers guys ;). Now lets forget about changing color with weapons and instead of that please give me an advice about changing color when I hit someone
Quoted from Hitm@n
Ok, thanks for your answers guys ;). Now lets forget about changing color with weapons and instead of that please give me an advice about changing color when I hit someone
pulsing crosshairs?
garm3n hud has that, download it. It has a readme how to do them
Quoted from rytis
pulsing crosshairs?
garm3n hud has that, download it. It has a readme how to do them
My bad I forgot to say that I want to import it from garm3n to KNhud… I was looking at garm3n but i didn’t rly get how it works
Quoted from Hitm@n
[…] My bad I forgot to say that I want to import it from garm3n to KNhud… I was looking at garm3n but i didn’t rly get how it works
In order to use damage pulsing crosshairs go to HudAnimations_tf at the scripts folder.
Search for ‘DamagedPlayer’, after doing that add the following code to the event DamagedPlayer section:
event DamagedPlayer
Animate insertcrosshairname FgColor "255 0 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate insertcrosshairname FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.15 0.0
In order to find out the name of the crosshair you are using go to hudlayout.res at the scripts folder and look for the section of the crosshair you ticked ‘visible’ ‘1’ at.
Afterwards, replace ‘insertcrosshairname’ with the crosshair you are using.
You can modify the color the crosshair will pulse to by changing the values at the “255 0 0 255” (Currently red) in the first line of the code.
You can also modify the color your crosshair will change to after the damage pulse by changing the values at the “255 255 255 255” (Currently white) in the second line of the code.
Quoted from Brov
In order to use damage pulsing crosshairs go to HudAnimations_tf at the scripts folder.
Search for ‘DamagedPlayer’, after doing that add the following code to the event DamagedPlayer section:
event DamagedPlayer
Animate insertcrosshairname FgColor "255 0 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate insertcrosshairname FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.15 0.0
In order to find out the name of the crosshair you are using go to hudlayout.res at the scripts folder and look for the section of the crosshair you ticked ‘visible’ ‘1’ at.
Afterwards, replace ‘insertcrosshairname’ with the crosshair you are using.You can modify the color the crosshair will pulse to by changing the values at the “255 0 0 255” (Currently red) in the first line of the code.
You can also modify the color your crosshair will change to after the damage pulse by changing the values at the “255 255 255 255” (Currently white) in the second line of the code.
Thank you very much m8 ;)
Could be a good topic to ask that: Can you also have your standard crosshairs color changing when you do damage? :)
Quoted from Peign slays dragons
Could be a good topic to ask that: Can you also have your standard crosshairs color changing when you do damage? :)
No, it’s only possible with hud crosshairs :s
Quoted from Brov
No, it’s only possible with hud crosshairs :s
Aw screw that… :D Anyway ty!
Quoted from Peign slays dragons
Could be a good topic to ask that: Can you also have your standard crosshairs color changing when you do damage? :)
you recreate your normal crosshair using the hud and then make it have a opacity / alpha of 0, then when you hit someone you make the alpha 255
Last edited by atmo,
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