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KN HUD, game menu

Created 16th August 2012 @ 17:45

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Hey guys, I was just trying KN HUD and I really like it, tweeked it a bit so it fits me perfectly but one think is what bothers me. Sometimes I just feel like opening that random server finder with “Start playing” Problem is that in KN HUD there isn’t this option, only find servers, which i do not really like. I want to add it back, so I went to …/resource/GameMenu.res … I wanted to add new string, but problem is, I do not know what to fill it with to open that find menu window. Any1 knows? Please help me :-)
It should most likely look like:
“label” “#GameUI_GameMenu_[soem start playing label]”
“command” “Open[not sure what goes here, that’s what i need]”
I guess I just need to fill these 2 things and it will work (if not please help more :-))

Last edited by matzase,


Btw, I am all new in this customization, so I might be totally wrong at what am I doing so any help would be greatly appreciated

Last edited by matzase,

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