Mumble Overlay
Created 20th July 2012 @ 19:15
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I saw that casters can see the overlay when they’re streaming. I thought it has bugged. Does anyone knows how to fix it?
-nod3d9ex in launch options seems to fix it.
It’s working! Thank you so much :)
Quoted from Roque
oh, thats so clever, now can you fix my alt+tab crashing also ashkan, CAN YOU?
Sure, just run windowed mode. You haven’t tried that yet, right? RIGHT?
for some reason, going to overlay options and manually adding my games to the whitelist fixed the problem -no3d something something didn’t help
Quoted from ashkan
Sure, just run windowed mode. You haven’t tried that yet, right? RIGHT?
Can you fix my mouse lag now?
Quoted from ondkaja
[…]Can you fix my mouse lag now?
If you are running in windowed mode, run tf2 with aero disabled
Quoted from ondkaja
[…]Can you fix my mouse lag now?
Buy a new mouse.
If that doesn’t work, buy a new lag.
Can you make the mumble overlay work without -nod3d9ex? Because that breaks alt-tabbing.
Quoted from Setlet
Can you make the mumble overlay work without -nod3d9ex? Because that breaks alt-tabbing.
No, that’s not possible unless you modify the Mumble overlay source code.
Quoted from Setlet
Can you make the mumble overlay work without -nod3d9ex? Because that breaks alt-tabbing.
It doesn’t break alt-tabbing, it just takes a while longer… Just like old times.
Since we’re already talking about it and no one accomplished to help me, is there any way to make Mumble overlay working on Windows 7 64bit (since this seems to see the problem)?
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