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cl_interp settings

Created 11th May 2012 @ 01:32

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This has probably been asked 295629 times before but, what are the best optimal interp settings for hitscan classes and projectile classes? I always have a decent connection to servers ie. never getting a ping higher than 50 and averaging around 20-40.



Ive bound 3 interps, 0,0152. 0,021. 0.033 and im basicly often using 0,0152 on hitscan classes and 0,021 for projectile classes but it depends what i feel works the best for me since i can easily switch around



cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_updaterate 66



Quoted from Casual

cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_updaterate 66




Quoted from Casual

cl_interp 0

I don’t know much about this stuff, but how does it work? I mean the “0” setting?



Quoted from Jorman

I don’t know much about this stuff, but how does it work? I mean the “0” setting?

It sets the interpolation as close to 0 ms as possible if cl_interp_ratio is set to 1. Your real interp will probably be 0.0152 seconds then.

Last edited by ondkaja,



Thought as much. Mine is 0.0152 for projectiles



Quoted from alba

Ive bound 3 interps, 0,0152. 0,021. 0.033 and im basicly often using 0,0152 on hitscan classes and 0,021 for projectile classes but it depends what i feel works the best for me since i can easily switch around

Am not saying what you are doing is wrong because I am a firm believer that most settings even tho you can ‘optimise’ them come down to ‘What you are used to’ BUT

Its strange how you use a higher interp for projectile classes which are NOT lag compensated, so every time you increase your interp you increase the firing delay. Yet for hitscan which are lag compensated so a high interp does NOT affect firing delay you decrease it.

I mean try it, go on a server set your cl_interp 0.5 and notice the delay in firing and the rocket appearing.

Otherwise settings above +1 on good solid stable servers, might not work on busy pubs but not that it matters to most players here :D

Might I add rate 200000 as its a pointless setting to have low anyway unless you truly have low bandwidth internet.

Last edited by FireStorm,

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