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[HUD] broeselhud // version 2.9

Created 25th July 2010 @ 20:56

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I love you.



Quoted from broesel


Never really thought about this as I never play highlander – but nevertheless a great idea, gonna do that in the next update :)

that would be nice!

I enabled the team-colored border around the HP cross and that only works with minimode 0!


nice HUD. I’ll try it out ;)



Sorry if I’m wrong, but I think there is no life bucket in your HUD ? (just the health cross)
I’m an addict of your hud but this little thing is missing imo =p

It would be perfect if you could add it in a next version (gmang has a very nice bucket for example – http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/7519/hudcapheavythumb.png )

Cheers ;)


how to disable a low-hp flash ? I use numeric hp.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Cku

Sorry if I’m wrong, but I think there is no life bucket in your HUD ? (just the health cross)
I’m an addict of your hud but this little thing is missing imo =p

It would be perfect if you could add it in a next version (gmang has a very nice bucket for example – http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/7519/hudcapheavythumb.png )

Cheers ;)

The health cross acts as a health bucket, the volume of the cross is your health and the contents proportional to what you have left. It’s just cross shaped instead of being bucket shaped, which is much nicer imo.


is it possible to make change to slot1 when spawning, because I keep dying as solly with shotgun out and then I spawn and try to shotgun jump (even though the xhair is the secondary’s colour)


(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from atmo

is it possible to make change to slot1 when spawning, because I keep dying as solly with shotgun out and then I spawn and try to shotgun jump (even though the xhair is the secondary’s colour)

tf_remember_activeweapon "1"
This will make you spawn with the weapon you died with…

tf_remember_lastswitched "1"
This will remember the last weapon you quick switched (lastinv) from


(Toucan Ambassador)

Anyone who liked the Big Timer I begged broesel to make a while back might like this…

I did a simple update to work with version 2.0.3 of the HUD.

Download: http://www.admirable.me.uk/tf2/big_timer_for_2.0.3.rar
Screenshot: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/468609377855979900/5E883577371D1FD025E46BA736DC3D0430C9D474/

If you don’t want to overwrite any customisations you have made to ClientScheme.res simply copy this in to the “fonts” section:

"name" "Surface Sharpened"
"tall" "36"
"additive" "0"
"antialias" "1"
"outline" "0"
"dropshadow" "1"



version 2.1 is out!

download: http://code.google.com/p/broeselhud/downloads/detail?name=broeselhud%202.1.zip


– added lots of HUD crosshairs (courtesy of Garm3n)

– damage-done value now fades after 10 seconds

– organized fonts in a seperate folder

– fixed the HP cross border disappearing in minmode

– fixed the damage-done BG not having a unique field name

– updated the ReadMe file


thx to Garm3n for the crosshairs and Admirable for testing :)


(Toucan Ambassador)

Hell yeah! :D



sweet, thanks!



Thanks, it’s nice :)


(Toucan Ambassador)

Small update to Big Timer to fix some alignment (thanks bro-esel).

Download: http://www.admirable.me.uk/tf2/big_timer_for_2.1.rar


I apologize if somebody has posted about this before, but I’m getting what I believe to be some odd bugs (imgur album with screenshots) with this HUD on my mac. The only changes that I have made are enabling coloured crosses and flashing ammo count. If this is not normal, how should I go about fixing it?

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