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6v9 - Pros vs Pubbers (Euro style baby)

Created 1st February 2010 @ 19:07

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Will be gooooood. What do you guys think of it?

Shintaz sucks…

… and it sounds awesome.
I’ll probably watch some noob pwnage on stv.



Sounds retarded egoboosting.

Pubs don’t have a chance. They are outskilled and then outclassed because of the retarded highlander rule.
Pros have 2 scouts, 2 soldier and almost half of the pubstar team is such an important classes like engineer, pyro, spy and sniper…

Quoted from Crusa

Sounds retarded egoboosting.

Pubs don’t have a chance. They are outskilled and then outclassed because of the retarded highlander rule.
Pros have 2 scouts, 2 soldier and almost half of the pubstar team is such an important classes like engineer, pyro, spy and sniper…


I was just curious whether the pro people would explode because of their egos.


Quoted from Crusa

Sounds retarded egoboosting.

Pubs don’t have a chance. They are outskilled and then outclassed because of the retarded highlander rule.
Pros have 2 scouts, 2 soldier and almost half of the pubstar team is such an important classes like engineer, pyro, spy and sniper…

This tbh


Or maybe it’s just some lighthearted fun that people like to participate in AND spectate, as shown by the hundreds of people who specced the last one, and can work to bring the two communities closer together. People like crusa here seem to get offended by anything at all that they see as “elitist” through their misguided and paranoid eyes and truly seem to forget that it is indeed just a game.

Last edited by Bash,

Bit of fun to bring the communities together – as Bash said.
I hardly think six div1 players ego’s will soar after defeating nine players who have never played a match in their life.


Good idea, can you pros post links to the important websites so people can investigate comp tf2 further? I’m thinking etf2l, ubercharged.net’s comp guide etc.

A spam bind for all the links would be great and take 2 minutes to make…would be good to help people get into comp, which at the end of the day is what will make the community grow :).



Nice to see a second edition of that, such things are always cool for the TF2 community as a whole. And unlike what some people think, “public” maps like PL are tough on the 6 man team, and sometimes were won by the pubstar team in previous events.



+1 Bash.

Good exposure for comp TF2. And good fun to watch :)



gotta love steamforums <3

good one getting this one back up, specced the last one, was good fun.


Is it ok to sign up as medic if i’ve never played it in comp? I put my name up


(Cat Enthusiast)

I was Sniper in the last one. Remember that headshot on Granary, Shintaz? That felt gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.

Then again, I did absolutely jack shit for the rest of the round.

Go pub team!


Where’s ryb, glufse, zerox, hymzi or any of the other “worth to watch” players? If this to be a euro-“elite” game, why are none of the interesting players in on it?



For the love of good pick maps where the pub team have a chance, badlands granary and their ilk are decided on mid and since the pros will have more people there doing more damage quicker it’ll just be a roll. No one wants to watch that and it’s unlikely to make anyone want to start playing 6v6.

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