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Esports Heaven 1 Night Wonder TF2 Cup

Created 18th December 2009 @ 23:35

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As you can read on the front page, Esports Heaven will be hosting TF2 events from now on.

For those who don’t know it: Esports Heaven is part of Heaven Media. Heaven media is one of, if not the biggest company in european Esports. They also onw sites like cadred, QuadV and EnemyDown. This means they have a lot of contacts/sponsors etc.

If we get this to work out, it could be a great thing for TF2. More coverage, more prizes, more everything. The head of Esports Heaven mentioned plans for cash/hardware tournaments for TF2. If we can show him TF2 is a good game, with a large playerbase, that will happen.

So we need your help. Please get your team signed up on the ESH website and add all your team members.

Our first 1 Day Wonder is coming Monday, the 21st. We need to show them TF2 is still out there and willing to play and grow, so if you can, do sign up for this event.

Even if you’re not going to play this monday, it’s still a good idea to create your team and squad. It’ll make things go faster for new events, and will show that there are plenty of TF2 teams willing to play at ESH.

This is another great opportunity for TF2, don’t let it go to waste.

Related links:
Esports Heaven
First ESH 1 Night Wonder
TF2 announcement on ESH website.
ESH FAQ: Instructions on making teams and adding players and joining tournaments

P.S.: Signups for the cup are already open. If you have questions regarding the cup or the website (adding players etc), please do not hesitate to ask me, Crasp or D2M. We’re here to help. We can probably be found in #esportsheaven or #etf2l on IRC. Or look for us in our steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/eshtf2 (You should join that btw!) Or you could just post in this topic :)

Last edited by DeNeusbeer,

Sounds completely awesome to be honest!

I’ll get my team signed up to the site as soon as possible, even if we can’t play in the cup and I hope others plan to as well.



I am seeing alot of TF2 clans have been already created: nice.
What i’m also seeing is that alot of those teams do not have a squad yet. A squad is neccesary to play at ESH.

A clan can have multiple squads (like dignitas.tf2, dignitas.css, dignitas.cod4, etcetera). Even if you have only 1 squad, you need to create a squad and add all your members to the squad. Only adding people to the clan is not enough!

For an example see my team, Gathering of Tweakers. atm we have 2 squads (both TF2). Team 1 and Team 3. http://www.esportsheaven.net/?page=clan&action=view&clan_id=1337

Last edited by DeNeusbeer,




do the 16 teams who sign-up first get to play ?



bad timing for that cup really :p


vertex »

bad timing for that cup really :p

Not particularly.

We wanted to get a cup going before Christmas so that teams could get used to the Esports Heaven website, and have a bit of fun before Christmas too.

It’s a fun cup, it’s for 16 teams, and it’ll be full :) Those teams who are on a Christmas break can jump into the next cup!



Big step forward for tf2. Hope it pans out well.

We’ll play the next cup.


If not enough teams sign up, how about making some mixes?


Sounds good. I almost thought that heaven media was part of the same company that hosted the UKeSA. OH WAIT.

Jokes, sounds like a nice oppertunity but i still remember how utterly useless they were with UKeSA. is this just another rehashed attempt under a different banner?



Clones-Inc will most likely be in, this is great for TF2 :)



Sounds good. I almost thought that heaven media was part of the same company that hosted the UKeSA. OH WAIT.

Jokes, sounds like a nice oppertunity but i still remember how utterly useless they were with UKeSA. is this just another rehashed attempt under a different banner?

Uhm, Afaik Heaven Media didn’t have anything to do with UKeSA, as they were, well, just UKeSA. The UKeSA tourney was hosted by ED, which is now part of Heaven Media, but it wasn’t at the time.

I think you got a few things mixed up :P



I thought heaven media had nothing to do with UKeSA


Do Heaven Media now have any responsibility for the UKeSA prize payments?

I want to make it absolutely clear that Heaven Media has no link or association with UKeSA. The purchase of these three sites is in no way connected to TNWA’s previous dealings with UKeSA, and those who are owed money by UKeSA should go back to the owners of that organisation.

Last edited by RaCio,



idd they haven’t , they just bought enemydown recently

and we will most likely play in the cup



There are already 9 full teams who applied to join the cup. This means: if you want a spot, get your team together soonish, else it might be too late.



Make that 10 then since we just signed up. And yes, Heaven Media had nothing to do with UKeSA besides the fact that QuadV and Cadred which they own were hired to cover the tournaments.

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