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The Official I39 Info Thread!! 2nd - 5th of april.

Created 27th November 2009 @ 23:49

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sounds excitttinnnnngg

ill brave the entire centurian this time :P no washing machine plz



haha Akill, you’ll end up puking in the bins again!!! :D



Team Fortress (PC)
Last but not least for the PC, we have our Team Fortress 2 tournament, with at least £1,500 increasing up to a massive £5,000! After the community rallied behind the tournament run at i38, we’re committing once again for a minimum guaranteed cash prize. Should 48 teams sign up, the prize fund will hit £2,500, and should 96 teams up we’ll be giving away a huge sum of £5,000!




96 teams!? ye.. sure :/



Are there even that many seats at i39? Looking at the attendence list theres not 96 people so far tf2 only!



i love that.. 96 TEAMS ¬_¬ seriously

96×6=576 then add the odd team that might bring 1-2 other players.. yeah cool

also, IF 576 players turn up thats a total of £51,840 mpuk will make from the crowd of tf2 players, and only £5k going towards the prizepool wow. Woulda expected abit more from a take of that much



i love that.. 96 TEAMS ¬_¬ seriously

96×6=576 then add the odd team that might bring 1-2 other players.. yeah cool

also, IF 576 players turn up thats a total of £51,840 mpuk will make from the crowd of tf2 players, and only £5k going towards the prizepool wow

another 45k for 9 more £5k prize competitions



i love that.. 96 TEAMS ¬_¬ seriously

96×6=576 then add the odd team that might bring 1-2 other players.. yeah cool

also, IF 576 players turn up thats a total of £51,840 mpuk will make from the crowd of tf2 players, and only £5k going towards the prizepool wow. Woulda expected abit more from a take of that much

Once you take out all the event costs and realise that this money probably directly pays for some of the Multiplay staff’s salaries, there probably isn’t that much left over.

Although I agree that it is a pretty small ratio of players to prize money.



When we spoke to Mr Multiplay at i38, he said the maximum they can take from ticket sales and put into prize pool is £10 a ticket. With that in mind the prize fund is pretty reasonable.

Tapley ❤


Indeed, most of the prize money comes from multiplay themselves and more if we can get sponsers to support TF2, get some decent hardware last time as well as the prize money, think pwr just sold their cases for £100 or somthing? At lan as they couldnt take it on the plane.
They cant use that much of the fee on prize money thats why it doesnt go up by much depending on how many teams turn up :), the majority wedge is from, as i say, MPUK and sponsers.
So as i have said in many a thread buy up those tickets support tf2, and we’ll get more lan sponsers which is where the money is!



I also spoke to Mr. Multiplay.


how many teams are confirmed at this point?



Not a clue. Only thing I know is eMpathy will be there in some form.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Tapley, can you wangle some lower prize thresholds based on the fact that TF2 teams are 6 players where as CSS and CoD4 teams are 5 players?

if CSS gets 48 teams * 5 players = 240 players for £2500 prizepool
for TF2 that should be 240/6 = 40 teams for £2500 prizepool

It’s still an optimistic target perhaps, but it would level the playing field a bit :D



I think whoever is running the tournament should put in an extra 500 quid to the prize pot!

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