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Created 24th November 2009 @ 12:33

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(Toucan Ambassador)

Cmon dudes!
Sign up!
Byte needs another PSU D:


(Toucan Ambassador)


Last edited by Admirable,

Never really understood the draws of a lan… I meet lots of people I dont know in clubs/pubs/work etc…

I think the point is that they’re people you DO know.


vertex »

I think the point is that they’re people you DO know.

Or pikeys!



I think the point is that they’re people you DO know.

Or pikeys!

But then you get some amazing prices for your driveway!


I think the point is that they’re people you DO know.

Or pikeys!

The two need not be mutually exclusive!



A good reason to go is that you’re not a sap who spends 2 hours a night playing TF2 with people you don’t like and actually want to see these cool dudes you’ve met through TF2 IRL and have a wee bit of an IRL laugh.

Last edited by seraph,



i dont get the whole IRL thing

surely the people you are talking to and playing with are real and its real life….its not a story book…theyre not robots!!

ps. i shud be there now!



Not been to Newbury since TFC at i10 !

Assuming there’s a decent turnout proposed, I’m so there.



Well I can’t really justify spending £140 on travel alone if you aren’t that into it, but take some people with you and you knock a significant amount off the bill. Could easily get 2 more guys in and all the gear knocking it down to less than 50. That or borrow a car that doesn’t make like a fat kid in mcdonalds for the weekend, or both.



Not been to Newbury since TFC at i10 !

Assuming there’s a decent turnout proposed, I’m so there.

i10…. you old man ;) <3


Good idea, who else from ireland is going?


if rEJ aren’t massive lan-dodging faggots then I hope to be going (and grem and pfm if I can verbally abuse them into going)

that’s a big if though :(

I’m (almost) certainly going… here’s hoping I can bully DoGs into going too. >.<

If not we could make a kickass mix team :>

Bully everyone to go!



Pass will cost me the same in fule as the ticket would.

2:55 mins drive and would cost me a tank of fule @ £60 a shot.

300 mile round trip.

Are you driving a tank or a bus?

320 miles for me and will cost me £88 each way, courtesy of my immense 17mpg car.

I am definitely gonna try be there this time though, maybe with a team!

Last edited by dunc,

Tapley ❤


The draw of lan is spending time with quality people and having a laugh with them not just over a mic in mumble. Getting pissed in the bar and playing drinking games whilst making perry drunk!, then going to play a few games of tf2 wasted with people next to you is good fun ;). Its just doing what you enjoy for a weekend, getting away from work/kids/gf whatever and enjoying yourself, its not just a sit at your desk geek fest :p.

Theres 2 types of people shrew, those who love lan and those who’ve never been, loads of games devlopers bring new games and stuff for you to play on in the exhibition hall, prizes pub quiz etc its gravy.

Also at i38 we even did some exercise! Crucial bought some yanks over to hold an extreeme dodge ball comp, and me and Box? Won it and ended up getting £500 worth of ram for free! I say give it a try.

p.s. Wai and landerson up for 3way spoonsesh?!?

Last edited by Tapley ❤,



Assuming you can get there, can bring your PC, aren’t paranoid about losing stuff like me, it’s awesome stuff

Never been to the iseries though, always been small scale stuff, probs should, but not this time, probably. :)

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